Well-Known Member
The horse I ride has recently gone very mildly lame behind and is most probably caused by a crack in her outside hoof wall that has recently appeared. We put hind shoes on a couple of days ago in hope this will support her feet better and prevent further damage. The crack has not worsened since. I gave her a couple of days off and let her into the school today. She ran around like a loon, jumping anything in sight and doing sliding stops and bucks etc and I couldn't see any lameness but when I got on her she was still slighlty lame ( I can't feel this when i'm on her so have to get someone to tell me she is lame). After work she was hot again on the hoof wall where the crack is and also slightly warm up her leg so she was hosed off again. Can anyone tell me if they have had a simlar experience and what they did and how long it took to resolve - she doesn't appear to be in any pain (but obviously must be!) but I don't want to cause any further damage. She was apparantly hopping on corners but is now just slighlty shorter in the stride on the affected leg. Could this all be down to the crack or could it be something else? She is uneven anyway and did have a wonky pelvis a couple of years back. She sometimes drops the affected leg when walking downhill and i'm beginning to wonder if this has been going on for a long time and I haven't noticed. Any advice welcome.