Cribbing & What toys?


Well-Known Member
12 October 2011
Generally on a hill.. when not blown off the side.
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My horses are all on a high fibre diet, they arent turned out as such, they are on a hardcore area where they can mooch and I have a couple of youngsters that keep the older ones entertained. They are on ad lib hay all day and night, and are on top of a hill so plenty of horizons to look at.

My newest youngster cribbed from the second I got her home... I think the weaning process was done poorly and then a long journey home made life a little stressful.. My ex-racer has always had an occasional nibble at things, but never really enough for the other to notice. Since getting my new filly home everyone is picking up the habit..

I've bought a wind-up/solar radio to leave on during the day should arrive anyday now and Im looking a different toys I can get them.. Im also going to try getting even more fibre in their diet with high fibre nuts and speak to my vet about anteacid supps..

So does anyone have an recommendations for what else I can do and what toys they recommend? I can see them getting bored of the equi-ball things, Ive had balls in the field before for them, but they walk straight past thought the ones that drop treat would be a better idea, and getting licks for the hardcore area... any other options???

Oh and crib collars, miracle collars are a no no...