i am a regular hunter with my local hunt, but havent been cubbing before. i am assuming you wear what you would wear on a regular hunt, but have been told you should go "scruffy"...?
TBH i doesnt really matter if you where what you normally wear out Hunting at all, yes some people do go out looking "scruffy" but i prefer to go in normal Hunting gear.
take it your going out with the worcesters? (you should come down the road to the croome for a day!) just wear a tweed jacket if you have one with a shirt and tie, a pony club tie is ideal. you shouldnt wear a stock until main season if you are dressing "proper"
Please don't mis understand me but I'm slightly confused.... I have never come across this practise of cubbing. Does this mean you actually dig the baby fox cubs from the ground and then kill them? I know from the shooting fraternity that shooting the young is strickly forbidden, and so we shoot the bearers of any young. Has a far greater impact. Please would someone clear this up.
This is exactly the right place for your question to be addressed, the answer is no cubbing has nothing to do with digging baby foxes out and slaughtering them..........Carreg
Not at all. Not sure why it's called cubbing but it's to do with teaching young hounds and they do it early in the morning to fit in with farmers - or just to p**s me off!!
Its called cubbing as it was traditionally used as a way to disperse the litters of cubs and thin them out a bit. Bear in mind they were born early spring, so are well grown by now and not 'babyish' any more.
May I also add that at this time of the year (October) it is extremely unlikely to have 'baby foxes' or rather cubs, what was born in spring are well on there way to being adult foxes.
No, it used to have everything to do with slaughtering (typically) 7 month old foxes until the 'pastime' was banned. Now many hunts carry on illegally under the pretence of 'trail hunting' or something equally innocuous sounding.