Normally cubbing starts after bank holiday august but depends on where you are and the weather and of course the F&M restrictions we have at the minute!
Happy Hunting!
Well our lot were on bikes before F&M hit (if no more cases we should be back on track Sept 10th). They'd be out on foot twice a week sock hunting now and then start on horses on the first week of Sept.
Arh! I just love cub hunting. Early misty mornings, watching the new entry learning the ropes, and now in addition to all that I get a chance to wander around with a shotgun as well. Marvellous!
Oh by the way I couldn't hit a barn from the inside the barn its self. But we have to abide by the law. LOL
If you maim and there's a chance its going to get away albeit on three legs are you allowed by law that is to dispatch it with the hounds? Or do you have to carry on taking pot shots?
Heaven knows. This is probably the relevant exemption from the Hunting Act:
Rescue of wild mammal
8 (1) The hunting of a wild mammal is exempt if the conditions in this paragraph are satisfied.
(2) The first condition is that the hunter reasonably believes that the wild mammal is or may be injured.
(3) The second condition is that the hunting is undertaken for the purpose of relieving the wild mammals suffering.
(4) The third condition is that the hunting does not involve the use of more than two dogs.
(5) The fourth condition is that the hunting does not involve the use of a dog below ground.
(6) The fifth condition is that the hunting takes place
(a) on land which belongs to the hunter,
(b) on land which he has been given permission to use for the purpose by the occupier or, in the case of unoccupied land, by a person to whom it belongs, or
(c) with the authority of a constable.
(7) The sixth condition is that
(a) reasonable steps are taken for the purpose of ensuring that as soon as possible after the wild mammal is found appropriate action (if any) is taken to relieve its suffering, and
(b) in particular, each dog used in the hunt is kept under sufficiently close control to ensure that it does not prevent or obstruct achievement of the objective in paragraph (a).
(8) The seventh condition is that the wild mammal was not harmed for the purpose of enabling it to be hunted in reliance upon this paragraph.