Cushings and lameness


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12 October 2019
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My pony has recently been diagnosed with Cushings. Her ACTH count was found to be high so has begun treatment with Prascend. However since diagnosed things just seem to be deteriorating rapidly with her. Her face has changed shape with fat pads appearing on both sides of her face beside her nostrils. Is this normal? She has become very lame on her front fore. Initially vet thought abscess so poultice for a week but no drainage at all. Farrier came the following week to dig for abscess, couldn’t find anything and is convinced there never was an abscess in first place. She has had an issue with seedy toe for months in this foot. Farrier digs the tracks out every visit but didn’t seem overly concerned. Farrier told me to continue on with danilon for couple of weeks and see how she goes. Well no improvement. Vet coming this week to x Ray. Vet thinking now it may be a coffin bone issue. Has anyone experience of Cushings and lameness issue and can they shed any light on what might be going on? Thanks


Well-Known Member
11 February 2010
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My horse has similar issues. Like you when his first lameness happened we thought it might be something like an abscess but there was never the acute lameness or heat there and on investigation farrier said it wasn’t.

He was subsequently nerve blocked and x-rayed which showed some coffin joint arthritis Blood tests showed mild Cushings so he started prascend, my farrier did some good supportive showing and my horse came back really well.

The following spring he began to struggle, there were some laminitis signs so had his bloods checked adjusted meds and really tightened the management etc and got X-rays in case of rotation etc.

There was some improvement but ultimately we were left with an intermittent low level lameness originating in the left fore. No heat, no swelling, no raised pulses, no changes to blood, no deterioration of joints seen on X-ray no tissue damage above the hoof line seen on ultrasound.

After hours of deliberation and chats with vet and physio I’ve convinced myself that it’s got to be some kind of recurring soft tissue injury in the hoof capsule, front left. I’ve took his shoes off as ive read it’s beneficial to his conditions and I retired him, he’s 20 He’s had a tough few months but since removing his shoes he seems to be improving.


New User
12 October 2019
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My pony will be tested again at the end of this month. Today still no improvement. Getting quite worried now as on 2 danilon and no relief from the lameness. All I know about her ACTH level was that vet said it was very high (1078) and put her on one tablet she is 14.2hh


New User
12 October 2019
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Oh and vet and farrier coming Wednesday so I should hopefully have some light shed on this issue. She is on daily danilon for arthritis in hocks and stifles. I have decided to retire her also. She is 20.


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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that is a very high level, is your vet sure it isnt laminitis, that would be my guess. she hasnt been on the meds long enough to have a huge effect. fat pads are normal for cushings horses but usually its the hollows above their eyes, not sure about other parts of the face. is she in on a deep bed and having soaked hay. if not i would treat as if it is laminitis and give her a deep bed to make her more comfortable....hopefully the x ray will give a better diagnosis.... good luck


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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My pony has recently been diagnosed with Cushings. Her ACTH count was found to be high so has begun treatment with Prascend. However since diagnosed things just seem to be deteriorating rapidly with her. Her face has changed shape with fat pads appearing on both sides of her face beside her nostrils. Is this normal? She has become very lame on her front fore. Initially vet thought abscess so poultice for a week but no drainage at all. Farrier came the following week to dig for abscess, couldn’t find anything and is convinced there never was an abscess in first place. She has had an issue with seedy toe for months in this foot. Farrier digs the tracks out every visit but didn’t seem overly concerned. Farrier told me to continue on with danilon for couple of weeks and see how she goes. Well no improvement. Vet coming this week to x Ray. Vet thinking now it may be a coffin bone issue. Has anyone experience of Cushings and lameness issue and can they shed any light on what might be going on? Thanks

I wouldn't dismiss the abscess idea too quickly. My cushings horse had endless abscesses. They mostly stopped once he went on prascend however he did still have one. He was very lame, bute didn't do much, I poulticed nothing happened, had vet out who couldn't find anything. Had barefoot farrier out who couldn't find anything and thought we should X ray in case it was something else. Another vet came with the x ray machine. No one could find an abscess nor could they find any reason for the lameness. That vet left with the parting shot there was no abscess he could see but you could never tell with an abscess.
X rays went to another vet who couldn't find an abscess or indeed anything else. Horse was lame for another couple of months then came sound. A few weeks later the tell tale split appeared on the hoof wall. It had been an abscess. This saga went on for around 3 months.

Cushings horses are prone to abscesses until treated. If you have only recently started treatment it could be an abscess which has just happened by coincidence at the time you got the diagnosis and started prascend.