Cut grass help please!


New User
23 July 2018
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So we've just taken over rent of a field (diy) and we are going through the process of getting it all secure & ready for our gelding to move to. However the people before used a ride on mower to cut the grass earlier in the year as the grass shot through and was too much for them. However all over the ground (3 acres) there are bits of dried grass cutting literally everywhere!

Do you think they would be ok left on the ground as they are dried (almost hay consistency) or does it need to go? (In which case any methods of getting up apart from hands would be appreciated!) Underneath some of grass mounds there is some moisture early in the morning but it dried out through the day so am unsure?

All opinions welcome!


Well-Known Member
11 June 2010
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It wouldn't worry me, I would leave it tbh. However if you want it up, I have in the past used a leaf blower to remove dried grass from a field, or you could ask a farmer to cut and take away the whole lot?


New User
23 July 2018
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Leaf blower is a great idea, just got to find one! Lol Thank you, the grass is not long now......if anything it's a little sparse due to the dry weather were having so won't need cutting again, it's just the clumps are left from last time it was cut before we took it over. Some of the clumps underneath look like they may have fermented so I'm a little worried. Suppose I can attack the bigger clumps but the smaller bits that are dry just leave?