D*mn and blast ... I came off!!


Well-Known Member
18 May 2003
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I appologise in advance because this is just a winge. I'm feeling cross and sorry for myself.

After having a bad ear infection, I haven't been able to ride for 3 weeks and its been frustrating So today, all bright eyed, bushy tailed and pleased, I took Flora for a pleasent walk out with a friend on her horse. We had a lovely ride, both horses were sweet (even though they had done very little for weeks) and Flora seemed to like my friend's geling (she can be very particular where geldings are concerned and goes through some rides with her ears fixed back and her back end swinging, telling them she could have them if she chose to!).

We were about 20 yards from the gate to the road back to the yard. She was getting a bit uppity and I'd just said to my friend "she's got an opinion about something", when I heard the sound of galloping hooves, another horse came galloping up behind us (practically into Flora), she had the fright of her life, it all went pear shaped and I hit the deck. Just before my head smacked off the ground, I looked up to see Flora negotiating the road (the entrace to the yard is about 50 yards up it) and prayed she would make it without being hit by anything. Thankfully she, and the idiot creature that caused the problem, got home safely.

The front of my hat is smashed, but I didn't feel a blow on my head. Lets hear it for good hats! - it served me well and will now be replaced, although I could do without the £££! My biggest problem is my right ankle, its huge, extremely painful and I can't walk on it! I can put some weight through it though (I just can't move the joint), so I hope that means it isn't broken and the ligaments aren't badly torn. Therefore, I'm not going to get it checked out unless its no better in the morning. If it isn't, I suppose I'll have to have it looked at.

The really annoying thing about all this is that I'm on holiday from work for two weeks. I was planning to get lots of riding in and the ankle is looking like that won't be an option for most if not all of that time.

I am sooo p*ss*d off, but at least my babe is safe and well.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2006
York / Derbyshire
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Omg that sounds awful, who the blo*dy hell was with the other horse? I had a similar ankle injury also on xmas eve a few years ago, there was no way I was going to casualty because it would have taken ages, the pain had gone in a few days - was just sprained, I bet youll be fine by wednesday (if not ride with no stirrups!)


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Poor you, hope ankle isn't too sore and at least your horse made it home safely. I'd probaly be inclided to get ankle checked out anyway (I have several lumps/bumps from where I had broken bones and didn't get them checked as thought it was just bruised). If you get signed off, you can probably get your holiday back!!
- Although this doesn't work if self employed.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
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Bloody hell, I would of let rip on the person who chashed into you, were they out of control?
Glad Flora is ok, hope your ankle is better soon.


Well-Known Member
11 January 2002
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Sorry to hear that - sounds like it could have been really nasty. Don't forget to get the ice on it asap, it can make a lot of difference (think R.I.C.E.)


Well-Known Member
18 May 2003
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Bloody hell, I would of let rip on the person who chashed into you, were they out of control?
Glad Flora is ok, hope your ankle is better soon.

[/ QUOTE ]I must say the rider of the other horse had herself been ditched about a mile back! It was said to be pretty determined to get her off and head for home I'm just having a problem feeling sympathetic because she was apparantly uninjured