damaged sacro illiac joint


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26 August 2008
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i bought my horse 2 years ago not realising he had damaged his pelvis. after 3 months of riding him he went lame and after many tests and scans we found out that he had damged the right side of the sacro illiac joint. He has had the course of steroid injections and box rest but this still did not make a change with his soundness, he still seemed to be short on the right hind leg. I chose to turn him away for a year to see if this would help him recover. I bought him back into work june 08 and it all started really well, i used a mctimoney chiropractor that was seeing him every month and she was very pleased with his progress. since increasing his work load he has gone lame on the right hind leg again. i bought this horse for dressage and was wondering if there is anybody else who horse has had the same problem and if there is anything else i can do for my horse?


Well-Known Member
23 May 2008
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This is very spooky as this is an exact repeat of my experience with my horse - down to it being the same side of the sacroilliac! I brought my horse for dressage three years ago and he very quickly started to display behavioural problems. I kept going for about a year and got help from many professionals - he never showed any lameness but didn't work properly from behind. He then went into Rossdales and they diagnosed suspensary problems in both hinds - worse in right and also inflammation of the sacroilliac. Thinking the suspensaries were the main problem he had a neurectomy and was then rested for three months then brought back into work but no improvement. He then went back in and they diagnosed a boney spur on his right hip. He had steroid injections which didn't seem to do much and then he had a nerve block to encourage him to use the joint properly - this worked very well and we had four good months - although I planned to hack him for six months before introducing any schooling. He has now had four months off due to another problem - I don't seem to have much luck! But I am due to bring him back into work in the next couple of weeks. Since the beginning of the year I have been using a McTimoney Chiropractor and also changed my farrier to a remidial farrier - this combination has worked wonders. He is still not 100% but the advice I have had is that the stronger they get the sounder they become but whether they then break down again is another question...... Sorry I can't give you any advice as I have not got to your point yet but I had to respond as my story is so similar!!


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2 September 2008
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Hi. My horse had this problem 6 years ago after we fell at a hunter trial. He was given 6 weeks box rest and then slowly back into work. He never seemed to hold his tail straight afterwards though and a friend recommended someone who did equine muscle release therapy (EMRT). She spent a few sessions persuading movement of the muscle to straighten up the pelvis again. He came good and the following few years i was competing him again. Maybe you could try this??