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24-yr-old mare, Welsh Section D, with Cushing's (she has been on Prascend for a few years) had an attack of laminitis about a month ago. The vet recommended box rest and prescribed Danilon (2 sachets for the first 2 days than 1 sachet per day for 4 days). After 2-3 days, she had horrible weeping sores on her shoulder, which looked like puncture wounds, as though she'd rubbed on a nail. We searched the stable and there was nothing that could have caused injury. On closer inspection (she isn't clipped), we discovered she had lumps and bumps all over, a bit like hives, including on the inside of her back legs. She also had bleeding wounds around her fetlocks.
The vet thought it was an exaggerated allergic reaction caused by the Cushings but a blood test has confirmed the Cushings is well controlled. But she has just been diagnosed with EMS as well (will be on tablets for that but the vet hasn't supplied them yet).
Over time, she became very itchy in general - as the laminitis has settled, she is turned out for a couple of hours per day. She rubs her neck and bum against the field shelter quite vigorously - I thought she was going to knock it down. Because she was obviously still uncomfortable/distressed, the vet gave us more Danilon. She had her last dose on Sunday night (today is Wed). Farrier came yesterday and her hind legs were so irritated she wouldn't allow him to pick them up and was stamping when he tried (she's a very well-behaved girl and is usually good to shoe/trim). He said he'd only ever encountered one horse reacting as badly as that, which was a horse that had mites.
This morning, she seemed much better (though still obviously itchy around her mane and tail) and allowed me to pick out her feet as normal.
I am now wondering if the hives/eruptions/itching could be a reaction to the Danilon, as her condition seems to be resolving now that she isn't having it. Has anybody ever seen anything similar?
The vet thought it was an exaggerated allergic reaction caused by the Cushings but a blood test has confirmed the Cushings is well controlled. But she has just been diagnosed with EMS as well (will be on tablets for that but the vet hasn't supplied them yet).
Over time, she became very itchy in general - as the laminitis has settled, she is turned out for a couple of hours per day. She rubs her neck and bum against the field shelter quite vigorously - I thought she was going to knock it down. Because she was obviously still uncomfortable/distressed, the vet gave us more Danilon. She had her last dose on Sunday night (today is Wed). Farrier came yesterday and her hind legs were so irritated she wouldn't allow him to pick them up and was stamping when he tried (she's a very well-behaved girl and is usually good to shoe/trim). He said he'd only ever encountered one horse reacting as badly as that, which was a horse that had mites.
This morning, she seemed much better (though still obviously itchy around her mane and tail) and allowed me to pick out her feet as normal.
I am now wondering if the hives/eruptions/itching could be a reaction to the Danilon, as her condition seems to be resolving now that she isn't having it. Has anybody ever seen anything similar?