I uswed to ride a darco mare for someone and she was totally bonkers. Very talented tho and I would not say she had a bad attitude.
only have experience of this one tho.
hope that helps
I had a Darco grand-daughter and she was lovely, kind, bold, confident and sensible. Sadly, I lost her before she was old enough to be ridden. Her mother (Darco daughter) was also a really sweet horse. Sapphire, by Darco, the lovely chestnut mare that McLain Ward (USA) rides is a really talented mare - USA Olympic and Nations Cup team. For those who remember, she was the horse whose bit broke in the middle of McLain Ward's SJ round in the Olympics. Bless her heart, she just stopped and waited while they rebuilt her bridle!!
THanks for replying. Not sure what to do with mine, just turned 4 totally sweet in stable to lunge been out to shows as a trip out, just does not like being ridden! no physical probs saddle fits etc ?
In an interview with Ludo Phillipaerts (sp?) that I found on the net, he says that a lot of Darco stock are fussy in their mouths - perhaps that's the problem (god knows, I'm no expert, but I thought it was an interesting comment). In another interview he says that Darco produced better brrod mares than competition mares and that they could be difficult to ride ( http://www.horsemagazine.com/BREEDINGBARN/GREAT_STALLIONS/darco/darco.html)