Hi can some who has received the date card for the easton harrier hunt please tell me the dates/location and times please, thank you, i have moved house so no longer receive the card.
You shouldn't be given that information over a forum like this. You will need to contact the secretary of the EH and ask for this information directly.
Nobody should PM meet information on any forum unless that person is known to them.
For the hunts' own reasons, many hunts do not publish meet information and require people to contact them directly to find out.
Some hunts do, but it would appear EH do not. I could not even find a website for them when I googled.
Since you have been out with them before and use to get the cards, presumably you must know at least one person who can supply you with a suitable contact number for the EH Hunt.
By all means you can ask for someone to PM you, it's just I would be surprised if they replied!