Well-Known Member
Rose is in good health, out on a good covering of grass although it's wet there's no mud and she is stabled in a big stable on rubber matting with a very generous bed of straw pellets covering more than half the stable. She comes in from the field and usually her hooves are clean, overnight they pack with the bedding but her feet are picked out before riding or turnout. She doesn't stand in muck or stale. She has very deep sulci although the central cleft is not as deep. She came with mild thrush which cleared up quite quickly, then she had another bout which again cleared up quickly. Not all her hooves were affected, in both cases it was the off fore and near hind the others were clear. However, I noticed at the weekend that her off fore looks really bad again. She's not unhappy about me picking it out but she the heel looks ropey, almost as if something has punctured it. she is being shod on Wednesday morning so I'll get advice from my farrier but any tips please to improve the quality of her frogs (apart from going barefoot). She had been turned away for nearly three years and when I bought her she was pretty much turned out 24/7 so I think she'd been affected by standing in the wet but I've had her for almost a year and we've had a dry summer so I'm at a bit of a loss to know what is causing it. I have never had any problems like this with any of our other horses and apart from her frogs, she is looking really good with a beautiful shiny coat etc. Apart from turnout on plenty of grass (still) and ad lib haylage, she gets two feeds of Ease and Excel, with micronised linseed and NAF pink powder, I've just started to add some unmollased beet as the quality of the grass is reducing. Any suggestions?