Depressed - half clipped horse


Well-Known Member
24 April 2006
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Now I clip regularly for my own yard and other proples, have been doing so for many years. I have a calm approach and take extra time for horses that need it and, quite proud of the fact, have never not been able to finish a clip.
Until today- I clipped this horse last year and he can be a bit of a rat bag, stressy warmblood quite big 17.2 and knows it! Clipped off side first beautifully behaved got all of the body off, start near side and rat bag not impressed turned bum and tried to double barrel me.
Put twitch on managed to clip shoulder and some neck, then he squashed owner against wall and removed twitch, can't get twitch back on as he is now sticking nose in air and jumping up and down like tigger!
So went back to off side and got his confidence back, fine no problem.
Anyway finally manged to get him to let me clip nearside (polos and growling) when the local shoot walked across field and all hell broke loose. Now clipping client is SJ tomorrow with a half clipped horse sooo embarassed!
Might stop clipping other peoples geegees
Sorry had to vent to someone!


Well-Known Member
21 December 2005
Hun i know excatly how you feel, me and my friend clipped her sister's horse this year and it let us do the near side fine apart from the top of her neck, but when we got to the off side omg i was being dragged and everything the mare could think of doing she was doing it, we put a chiffney in her mouth and did'nt have a twitch so had to use my poor hands which eventually worked and managed to get the head of but it did take us alot longer than we though it was going to be! Stupid horses why do we love them so much


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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This happened to me two years ago. Clipped one side, not too bad but went to the other side started and he turned into something possessed. Finally realised after we risked life and limb that he was scared to death of the wire! Didnt really go near him on the side he behaved but had to pull it in front of him to do the other side.
Needless to say Ive now got some cordless and hes fine.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2005
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I wouldnt worry - I tried to do mine the other day and the clippers wouldnt work. They turned on fine, but 'chewed' at his coat rather than clipping it off. The tension was totally fine, even tried tightening and loosening it, but to no avail. I just decided to leave it for another day.
Today I started all over again. Got clippers out, turned on, and they clipped perfectly . . . God knows what went on there! Decided to do it matching so that if the conked out he wouldnt look so bad.
As he lived out for a couple of months before I got him, he has picked up some rain scald over his saddle patch, and was very scurfy and 'bumpy' all over. Poor love didnt like this being touched. I began to clip out a lozange shaped saddle patch so it beft the worst rain scald untouched. He was happy about this.
Then . . they died!
So I have a horse who with rugs on look decidly smart, minus them however, he has half a saddle patch, a hole in his quarters where I have tried to make the work (this is on his near side!). And the same, but minus the hole on his quarters on his off side.

Well at least he cant see it!


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
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Almost totally clipped daughters pony off but it was getting too dark so I thought I'd leave it until the next day to tidy him up and finished him off. Next day clipped friends horse completely except for legs, then clippers died completely so poor daughter had to hunt her horse with an uneven blanket clip, uneven lines down the back legs and a very tufty face with 1 hairy ear and 1 clipped one. Just as well she the horse goes so fast that nobody would have noticed!!


Well-Known Member
7 November 2006
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My little cob stoood like a gentleman as I clipped his undercarriage right up round his bits, was absolutely rocklike as I clipped between his front legs and up his gullet. Was so brilliant that I decided to go the whole hog, it was after I'd got all his body done and was moving up his neck to his head that I realised that he was NEVER going to let me do the top third of his neck or his head - so we did the rest of the seaon fully clipped out but with a bushy head and very uneven tidemark where he just couldn't cope with the clippers anymore. ARGH!


Well-Known Member
3 July 2006
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Talking about clipping SSM is going to try and do her baby tomorrow - wish her all the best as she tried to front kick and bite the instructor that had a go last time! Good luck honey xx


Well-Known Member
24 April 2006
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It wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't BSJA tomorrow!
Am going to go back tomorrow pm and try again, if it doesn't work am going to suggest sedation!