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I'm worried my horse might be depressed. I'm at college at the moment so my mums looking after her, and she's about 19 but she keeps being lame and we're not sure why. We always mollycoddle her and give her loads to eat and she always wears loads of rugs, and she normally goes out in a big field during the day. We always want her to be slightly fatter than thinner. I"m worried that she might be gloomy because she never gets to talk to other horses. My mum always thinks she doesnt want to because she has always been really aggressive and tense around other horses and she has cows in her field, and we talk to her a lot. She's not being ridden because she's lame and my mum doesnt have time. When I'm at home I try to give her lots of attention and groom her properly everyday, but I'm worried that she might be depressed because she keeps being lame for no reason. My dad's horse is 17 and he's still really jolly, although he is more pony ish. I know my horse really well but I'm worried I've become so used to her being gloomy I don't know if it's normal. She had a really abusive owner before us, and I just read a thing about animals getting depressed.