Detective People Required Please

Fools Motto

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30 June 2011
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A lovely FB friend has recently found out they have been scammed in relation to their retired through injury dun event mare. They thought they had found a perfect companion home, but alas, it wasn't. Since then more news is coming to light thick and fast, and the lady responsible is being sought.
Luckily, they found out about the mare, and have literally just got her back. Others have not been so lucky.
The lady they are trying to track down is going by the name of Laura Taylor (Norfolk area) but she also seems to have used other names too.

If anyone out there can help trace her where abouts, then please get in touch.

Many thanks.


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1 May 2007
Deepest Wales
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Fools Motto, I'd delete your post pronto. There are rules within the Forum T&Cs about naming and shaming but perhaps more importantly there are rules about slander and libel that could get you into very hot water posting accusations on an open Forum.


Well-Known Member
30 December 2008
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It's a shame people don't do their homework before they part with their horses. A simple search of the name might have revealed some interesting stories.

If you have to part with a horse which can't be ridden or bred from, especially in this economic climate, surely pts is a better option than a "companion". Sorry to sound harsh but there have been some very heart-wrenching stories similar to this, mainly because owners aren't brave enough to do what is probably in the best interest of the horse

Mystic Echo

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12 January 2012
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Thanks Guys for all your support. This has been a harrowing New Year for us - thankfully Mystic Echo is home, and really enjoying her retirement. Now we need to get this vile person punished for her crimes..... not only to my beloved Echo - but all the rest that she's shipping off to the sales on a daily basis.

I have contacted several Markets and Sales, she's well known - but as the Law stands.... if she has the horse, and passport - she can get away with it ;(((( Something needs to be done to tighten up this sad loop hole........ any ideas?:confused:

There is a site on FB set up for echo if anyone is interested in joining......


Well-Known Member
1 September 2007
Leeds, West Yorks
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Glad the horse is home and ok but this highlights why horses should never be given away, you can never enforce agreements not to sell or ride once you have given something as it then becomes the other person's property. I am amazed that these things still happen anywhere with the number of similar incidents that regularly appear in the news.


Well-Known Member
1 December 2006
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It's a shame people don't do their homework before they part with their horses. A simple search of the name might have revealed some interesting stories.

If you have to part with a horse which can't be ridden or bred from, especially in this economic climate, surely pts is a better option than a "companion". Sorry to sound harsh but there have been some very heart-wrenching stories similar to this, mainly because owners aren't brave enough to do what is probably in the best interest of the horse

Clippy, whether or not I agree with you is not important , but bearing in mind that this very forum is littered with nasty posts by people who take great pleasure in hurling abuse at people who have an unuseable horse they want the best for and are consequently thinking that PTS might be a wise idea, and the first thing they get told is put it on loan, or give it away as a companion. Anything rather than "murder" it. The OP fell into the same trap as a great many people who thought the horse deserved a chance and believed they had solved the problem. Luckily on this occasion the OP found out about their error and did something about it, but shouting "I told you so" isn't helpful and just adds to their guilt levels.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2008
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but as the Law stands.... if she has the horse, and passport - she can get away with it ;(((( ......

No....NOT so! Its the responsibility of the owner of the horse to "cover ones behind" as it were....
IF you have a watertight loan agreement and you have linked your horse to yourself on NED and then flagged it as on loan, you can then prove the animal was fraudulently sold.
Do the above and you can prove the horse is yours and once found a)get it back and b) pursue a civil case for costs.
Its theft.....simple as that!


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26 February 2003
SW Scotland
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The biggest problem is so many people do not know how to connect to NED and they are too trusting
You have a good contract in place and the Police turn round and say it is civil action for broken contract

Look how long it took to get Tim the Arab home even after he was found, contract, freezemarked etc
He had passed through about 4 Police force areas just to add to the paper trail.


Well-Known Member
15 April 2009
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Ive posted this link to my friends FB page and my own, as I believe that this is the same person who re passported my friends horses and sent them to slaughter whilst on loan to her


12 January 2009
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I thought you might all be interested to know I was scammed by possibly this lady, unfortunately my horses were not so lucky, they were slaughtered.. The lady who took my horse in October 2009 uses alias names, and has fake documents to support these. The name she used with me was Clare Carter, but uses several ending in Taylor and countless others I have recorded. Her actual name is known to me (inbox me if needed), and she lives in Wisbech, Norfolk. I can write this because she confessed to police and signed a statement admitting to taking my horses, therefore it is not slander, but fact. She took them upon signing a loan agreement, knowing 1 was a happy hack and the other companion. I took her number plate, driving licence details and checked out the home and address before they went, and drew up a really comprehensive loan agreement. Then she disappeared. Thankfully I found her the first week of 2010 through forums, but it was too late for my horses, she got £300 with the meat man for them! They were killed a week before Christmas 2009.
Now is the problem, so beware!!
The law does not register the loaning of any animal, therefore any loan agreement does not stand as proof that you still own that animal. Despite when arrested Lara admitting to taking my horses, she claimed I had given them away and she had never signed the agreement, or given false details. Because she had cleverly worn gloves when signing the agreement, and all the supporting documents were fake, they couldn’t prove she had done them. They even tested the handwriting, but she had cleverly signed with her other hand so it couldn’t be tracked as her (they can tell from your handwriting apparently). So that was it, the case got thrown out of court, and she got away with it. I was told by the police a loan agreement does not stand alone, so you need a solicitor to professionally draw up a contract of borrowing the horse.
Lara re-passported my horses, which was illegal, and despite being on NED, the passport agency did not check to see they were already pass ported and stolen. And a vet did not sign the passport forms.
The slaughter house killed my mares without checking the passport (they would have seen they were stolen). They were also reported stolen with microchip company too, which they did not check.
Therefore you cannot rely on the law to back you up- never trust your horse with anyone unless you are prepared for something like this. I never thought it would happen to me.
I have to live for the rest of my life knowing I covered every avenue, checked everything, but still lost my beloved mares because a loophole in the law and a con woman with fake details. Unfortunately I have lost count of the people she has done it too since, knowing she will never got prosecuted for it. Many have ended up like mine.
She does look similar to the picture posted, but I cannot vouch that is her. She came to mine in a green 4x4, and was very overweight, short and had a son with her. Seemed lovely.
Some tips if you have to loan:
This may seem excessive, but if someone is innocent with no hidden motive they will understand.
Always check out the individual, Google their phone number / email address (surprising what you will find)
Check out the address
Ask around at the address to ensure they haven’t taken you to some random field.
Check their details, and check if they are known to police at all.
Take every detail, ask to see passport, driving licence, utility bill and write down every detail, check all are valid.
Get a solicitor to draw up a professional agreement tailored to you (including the above), a BHS free one does not stand in the eyes of the law.

I hope this helps people not to end up like so many others have.
If you need more details please inbox me, Im not allowed to put details on here.


Well-Known Member
24 June 2009
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What a down and out HORROR story. Thank god for finding Echo, you are lucky it seems. I hope she sleeps well at night!! ********** Ratbag!