Disappointment with schooling livery


Well-Known Member
14 March 2010
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Sent my horse away for schooling livery whilst I was away for a couple of weeks. Know the rider, been for lessons and have seen her ride.
Went to see horse after First week, horse going nicely.
Whilst I was away had good reports that horse going well and no issues.
I go and visit when back from holiday and horse was incredibly nappy. Rider not riding her forward and basically just sat there letting her get away with it. Very confused as told she had been going well and there were no issues. I think rider was nervous and doubt she has actually done very much with her.
Should I pay the full bill, as to be honest horse has come back worse than it went. Extremely disappointed as I trusted this person.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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I would point out the faults ie horse worse than when it went, very nappy when you visited, rider appeared nervous and was ineffective. Ask if there was an particular reason. The rider may have had a personal problem eg someone died and very upset and ineffective or a health problem cropped up.. They may not have but you have to give them the chance to explain. Alternatively something may have happened with the horse that they should have told you about but didn't.

It does sound like an incident happened that scared everyone.

Then I would explain you now have to pay for further schooling as the service was not what you were paying for and reduce the bill accordingly. Separate the bill between livery and schooling. Then if you are feeling generous pay for 1 week of schooling, If you feel the horse has really gone backwards then it is questionable how much of the schooling you pay.


Well-Known Member
16 March 2008
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Have you asked the rider why the horse was going so poorly?

I had a horse 10 years ago who was very sharp and not an easy ride.
I sent him for schooling with my trainer and there was some progress but after a few months she admitted she was over-horsed with him and not doing a good job so he came home.
I was pleased she admitted she couldn't ride him well, although I felt it had been brewing for quite a while and I wish I'd pulled him out earlier. If it happened again I'd have pushed the honest conversation earlier.

He actually then went to another pro the next year and she turned him around in 8 weeks and I had him back and evented him myself- still sharp and not a horse for 90% of riders but I loved him.


Well-Known Member
14 October 2009
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You need to pay the full bill as the service was provided (or, at least, you'd be very hard-pushed to prove it wasn’t)
It’s a shame it didn’t pan out as you hoped, but be grateful it was only a couple of weeks and it sounds like you were happy enough with the first week