Disaster for opening meet


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
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Well after building up to taking my 5yo hunting on Saturday getting up at 6.30 to get him and his tack sparkling he refused to load into the trailer. He managed to get away from me and decided to go galloping across the field fully tacked up. I only managed to catch him when the saddle slipped round and ended up under his belly. Thought id try again having wiped off the saddle however when he put his two front feet on the ramp I noticed that in galloping across the field he had pulled off his shoe so that was the end of that. I was so frustrated I put him back in the stable and burst into tears. I’ve been advised to not plait him next time I try to take him as he will should load and at least I will get there. However I thought you have to plait or hog once opening meet has been and gone. Would it be frowned up to arrive unplaited? Or would it matter more to a hunt that you turn up with a well groomed horse but not plaited.


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Well after building up to taking my 5yo hunting on Saturday getting up at 6.30 to get him and his tack sparkling he refused to load into the trailer. He managed to get away from me and decided to go galloping across the field fully tacked up. I only managed to catch him when the saddle slipped round and ended up under his belly. Thought id try again having wiped off the saddle however when he put his two front feet on the ramp I noticed that in galloping across the field he had pulled off his shoe so that was the end of that. I was so frustrated I put him back in the stable and burst into tears. I’ve been advised to not plait him next time I try to take him as he will should load and at least I will get there. However I thought you have to plait or hog once opening meet has been and gone. Would it be frowned up to arrive unplaited? Or would it matter more to a hunt that you turn up with a well groomed horse but not plaited.

Oh dear, that's a shame. I suspect turning up is def preferred ;) But seriously, I suspect for most hunts being smart etc even if unplaited may have to be your option, if that makes the difference between loading and not. If he's not fully clipped out, you don't have to plait. You could let the secretary know in advance so you don't feel too bad when you get there, although you may be in the minority. I didn't always plait last season as my boy had a trace clip and it took me long enough just getting him clean, he's so white !


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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PS If loading is an issue, you might also want to practice that, loading him ready tacked up and plaited etc., as a longer term option.


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5 October 2006
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oh poor you !!! I nearly didnt make our opening meet for various other reasons (not horse related) and was gutted at the thought of missing it. Although most people arrive tacked up and plaited it is better to get there than miss out. I dont travel tacked up so always arrive 20 mins earller and tack up on arrival - if he is good in the trailer can you tack up in the trailer or have saddle on but put bridle on in trailer before unloading and if he is really calm even plait up on arrival (obv leaving loads of time spare to do this).

Another option is between now and next time you go to start practising, maybe plait up night before then the next morning load and feed in trailer (even if not going anywhere) !. I always plait up night before and put neck cover on and works a treat !

ps I would make sure girth is nice and tight if travelling him in saddle.

Good luck, its only the start of the season so you have loads of time to get him out again.


Well-Known Member
28 November 2011
West Sussex
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Oh my word, I really feel for you. I would have been devastated if i hadn't made the opening meet.

If i'm out for anything early in the morning William gets plaited the night before and a snuggy hood on. Less stress in the morning.


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
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He has never been a problem to load before and I have travelled him tacked up before. I will make sure that the girth is done up nice and tight before I attempt to travel again. The only difference that I could think of was that I had spent the time plaiting up etc where as I previously just tack up and travel. I was so devastated to not be able to go and I even missed the meet on foot because I was having to deal with him. He is fully clipped and to be honest if plaiting is going to be the problem then I may hog but want to find out if that’s the issue before being too drastic.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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I only ever plaited for lawn meets and not always even then tbh. I had to get the kids to school and muck out and do my other horses so plaiting was not going to happen! I used to plait up her tail the night before as she kicked it if it was down but that was it. Pull the mane super short and it will look fine, trust me hunts would rather have your unplaited money than
Might be worth plaiting then loading sometimes though. You were probably stressed and excited too and he picked up on it. You poor thing.