Disunited at canter

Green Bean

Well-Known Member
1 February 2017
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Any experience with this and best exercises to try and fix it?
History: she has a very recent diagnosis of KS between 2 vertebrae just behind the the wither, on Danilon at the moment and long and low lunging for 2 weeks. She had the disunited canter before the diagnosis so am worried there may be something else. Conflicting information out there from, all horses do it at some point to possible concern about sacroiliac. As she is on Danilon, I thought if there was any further areas of pain, it would have been disguised for now?


Well-Known Member
22 November 2013
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My mare was disunited and struggled with right canter lead and had SI issues (and other things but not kissing spine)

be positive

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9 July 2011
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Danilon will not definitively rule out pain elsewhere especially if it is now a habit and the muscles are building up in the wrong places to compensate for whatever is going on.
I have one here that had several symptoms that something was amiss including disuniting at canter, she had a workup at the vets and was thought to be sound, xrays showed some minor KS and the vet thought she had found the root cause, a second examination by the specialist who was going to do the op if it was considered the best option, found a very slight uneveness in how she moved her off hind, he said she was lame but it was so slight the other vets could barely see anything, nerve blocks showed she did move a little more freely so her hocks have been injected and her back left for now while she rehabs.
Lots of work has been done on her straightness, on the lunge, in long reins, as well as ridden to ensure she is going as straight as possible at all times, increasing her suppleness and encouraging her to lift her core at all times so she gets stronger and builds up her muscles evenly.
All is going well, she still disunites at times but quickly corrects herself, I think it is now a little bit of a habit, she finds it easy to pop in and out, she feels any slight movement from her rider and the better she rides the better the horse goes so she can ride better, it is taking a while but we are getting there.

hopscotch bandit

Well-Known Member
2 February 2017
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Any experience with this and best exercises to try and fix it?
History: she has a very recent diagnosis of KS between 2 vertebrae just behind the the wither, on Danilon at the moment and long and low lunging for 2 weeks. She had the disunited canter before the diagnosis so am worried there may be something else. Conflicting information out there from, all horses do it at some point to possible concern about sacroiliac. As she is on Danilon, I thought if there was any further areas of pain, it would have been disguised for now?
I'd be willing to put money on spavin. This causes disunited canter, especially if the horse 'hops' with its hind legs on a corner, or circle as well.
Mine also displayed kicking when I used to lunge with long reins, i.e. so the outside rein was over his quarters. Obviously he found it hard and painful to put his hocks under him and that, and the disunited canter made me get the vet out, where spavin was confirmed.

Often spavin will cause kissing spine as the horse will readjust its gait which results in it overcompensating in an incorrect way over its back muscles.
Also, if a horse has front feet pain he will carry his head high and drop his back resulting in an upside down banana shape otherwise known as 'going hollow'.

Photos: stock images off google


hopscotch bandit

Well-Known Member
2 February 2017
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My horse used to drag his hind toes in the menage surface and when you trotted him on concrete sparks would fly of his shoes as he used to drag them during the swing phase of his stride. This indicated that his hocks were hurting him which is why he was dragging his feet.

My mare was never quite this bad, she's had her hocks medicated a couple of times but she kept going disunited in canter as one of her first symptoms.


Well-Known Member
13 March 2020
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My mare was disunited in canter, she had grade 4 gastric ulcers (this wasn’t the only symptom though)


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
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Mine was diagnosed with SI pain and we never really solved it. She eventually retired and she does still canter disunited but seems as sound otherwise as can be expected for a 27 year old. She has 1 sachet of danilon per day.