DIY livery North Sheffield, South Hudds


Well-Known Member
14 May 2009
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Can anyone help? I'm looking for a really nice yard which takes DIY or part liveries anywhere between Sheffield and Bradford. So far, the only decent places I have seen have been full.
I'm sure there must be other yards around which don't advertise in the yellow pages/online, but not being local I don't know how to find them!
Any info much aprreciated.
Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
14 May 2009
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Yes, it's a big area because I will go anywhere if I can find a yard - so yes, I admit i'm a bit fussy! I want somewhere with good turnout, very safely fenced (i.e. walls or post and rail or wooden post 2-thick taped electric fencing), and where my horses can either be turned out 6am-6pm in the winter or where there is someone to turn them out or bring them in for me. Must be secure, not on a busy main road, and ideally in a nice rural location with good hacking. It needs either decent haylage or to allow me to buy my own in. Parking for a van and a school with floodlight would be a lovely bonus. Price is not an issue.
Ideally a small place anywhere over 50 horses is too big and busy for me, less than 30 would be perfect!
If you know anywhere that sounds like it fits this, let me know, thanks!