Do Boa boots stay on?


Well-Known Member
3 August 2009
Up North
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I am maybe about to buy a pair of Boas for my horse's hind feet. I have measured his feet and think he is a size 1. He has been barefoot behind since September and is fine but a little footsore on longer (over an hour) hacks on gravel or stony tracks, so I would like some protection for his feet for when we go out for a few hours. We have noticed his action is much straighter since going unshod, he used to pull shoes despite having trailers put on, as he twists his feet slightly as he moves. However his feet have grown asymmetrically but seem to have naturally compensated for the twisting! Strange maybe but he is 100% sound. However still sensitive to sharp stones/gravel.

Anyway as I hack across moorland and on the beach I wondered if Boas will stay on through mud and sand? I have a cheapo 'equiboot' which I use as a spare in the event of losing a front shoe, and this comes off in the mud!!!
I don't want to fork out £100 for Boas and lose them in a bog!!!! Anyone have experience of them?

Cheers chucky eggs!!!


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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boas have very poor traction on mud ie the horse can slip around badly. I wouldn't particuarly trust them in a bog. It is very easy to overtighten them which can badly mark the front of the hoof wall. In fact, having experience with fitting lots of different types of boots I am afraid that boas are my least favourite and I would not recomend them to anyone. Sorry.


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13 February 2011
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What shape are his feet? I use easyboot gloves and they are fabulous, great though the deepest mud and sand is no problem. it's slightly hard to keep back boots on but the power strap makes a huge difference. I also have easyboot grips which have a very aggressive traction sole and are brilliant on wet ground but not suitable for excessive use on hard or stoney ground.