Do I ring the kennels or write to the Master? Meet query...


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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The farm I keep my horses on is supposed to be out of bounds to the hunt. Its not because they are anti, but a grass runway runs the lenth of the fields, in the middle, that the hunt would wreck and could potentially cause a crash on landing/take off and the consequences don't bear thinking about!

Even our horses that are kept there are not allowed anywhere near on pain of at least eviction if not a shotgun!!! Well OK maybe not that bad but hey...

Now the farm at the bottom of the lane would only allow hounds plus huntsman on foot to flush, but not riders, so really the whole hunt shouldn't be anywhere near, but they seem to have been a few times lately. The problem being we have a nutty 17YO TB who goes mental when they are near, its really stresses her and she won't eat for days, and we worry about her as she has dodgy legs. If we knew they were going to be near, we could keep them in but no-one ever warns the farmer if they are likely to be about.

I check in the paper where they usually list their meets but typical, wasn't in last week and we got there last night to a very stressed mare and the youngster going mad too. Only fat Asti was unconcerned and scoffing! So we figure they have been around in the woods or fields nearby. Well it could be that Asti has been and done it before and the other 2 haven't I guess!

Who do I approach to find out the meet dates and where they think they are allowed to go? (They made the mistake once - some foot followers, of telling Mrs Farmer that "just to warn you - the hunt are about to come through here" and Mrs Farmer said "oh no they aren't! Its our land and you don't have permission!"

Advice please!?


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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In the first instance contact the Hunt Secretary - she will be able to send you a meeting card indicating where all the meets are.

You will then be in a position to phone the secretary prior to a day's hunting anywhere near you to find out if they are planning on drawing the farm below you.

Hope this helsp.


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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We have different master responsible for each area of the country, as AmyMay says if you contact the secretary in the first instance then you should be able to go on the list to be 'carded'.