Do I stay or do I move?


Well-Known Member
8 October 2011
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Long thread coming up! I moved my daughters pony to a new yard 3 weeks ago (didn't want to - but OH insisted due to various reasons). Pony only gets about 1-2 hrs turnout a day as the other horses either don't go out, go in a field away from my ponies line of vision or are only out for an hour or so. I have tried putting him out on his own with hay, but he trots around and shouts so as soon as I leave the YO has him brought in. Hacking good, indoor school, people are nice but even in summer turnout is limited.
Other option is a yard with good all day t/o in winter and 24/7 in summer. No school, limited hacking but lots of people there (hopefully someone to ride with when I get myself a new horse). Husband has said if we go somewhere where there is no hacking we can get transport and box out. For me, turnout is priority, but no yards within a reasonable distance (up to 30 mins) seem to offer t/o, good hacking, school etc. Full/part livery isn't really a option as I like looking after them myself as much as I can (I only work part time). What would all you people choose? Thanks for reading :)


Well-Known Member
15 November 2010
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Well if your planing on getting your Horse soon. Could you stay where you are? That way you can put your Horse and daughters Pony out together.

Is it worth asking the other liveries, if they wouldn't mind turning there Horse out too (although you may have to turnout and bring in)

If not I would look at the 2nd yard.