ah i dont have tweed. its my first time with them so hopefullly i will be forgiven! my friend reckons she is going in a normal everyday jacket- sure thats not right i want to look my best still or at least try to for the 20 mins or so before we get covered in mud!!!
I don't either and i hunt quite often (at the end of the day if they expect me to pay the cap they ask sometimes i'll have to do without the tweed for now!!) they've always been fine with it as long as you look smart and presentable i'm sure it'll be fine.
No to plaiting but Yes to tidy clothes and clean tack and horse.
Tweed with tie is best (called rat catcher) as you can never be out of place with this. But if you don't have, go in smart show jacket and if you enjoy, invest in tweed jacket. As you can wear this jacket BSJA, Showing, Eventing, at PC or RC you'll get so much wear out of jacket, defo worth investment plus it will be warmer that a thin show jacket.