Do you think the Strasser Method should be banned?

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Well-Known Member
12 November 2006
I'm afraid I don't know what it is!


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
Well... it shouldn´t be advocated as a cure for everything from laminitis to navicular as it is now! and I don´t think every Tom Dick or Harriet should be encouraged to hack away at their horse´s feet... So I would have to say YES although perhaps, properly done, it has it´s place.


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
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A woman called Dr Strasser invented a method of trimming horses' hooves which is 'natural' apparantly.

She doesn't believe in pain relief or anything like that.

The trims are seriously excessive and mostly the feet bleed after the first trim.

Most of the horses I have heard of who have had it have had to be put down.

There are quite a few articles on it online, some of which are quite upsetting.

i put yes it should be banned, although can't really see it happening or being enforced.


Well, to be honest, I don't know that much about it, other than what I read in the press which, is all bad but I am aware that only the bad cases make news. So, is it always cruel or only in the wrong hands (if the latter, this can be said about alot of things to do with horses but it does not mean they should be banned because correctly used they are fine) and ho widly spread is it used without a problem??
I would need to know abit more about it other than just the worst cases which make the news before I could decide if I think it should be banned or not!


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
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It's supposed to help with navicular and other foot problems, although I think some people do it even if their horse has good feet?? I'm not sure though :S


Well-Known Member
31 October 2006
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I don't know much about it, but have read about the lack of pain relief, and horses just lyng in the field because its too painfull to stand up (don't know if thats true). But if it works for even one horse, then it should be allowed, especially if the only other option was to have the horse pts. But with proper pain control and other things.


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3 April 2003
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Whilst I am horrified by some of the cruelty cases involving Strasser trimming, and also was appalled by reading an interview with "Dr" Strasser herself, I don't know how you could feasibly go about banning the method
. What criteria would you use to define the technique to distinguish it from other barefoot trims?


Well-Known Member
13 November 2004
YES YESS YES. absolutely should be. this method has been condemed by peers and farriers.
It has proved detrimental to the equine world with clearly won cases in court.
It has always been abhored by farriers, it is a pity that for a lot or people and,unfortunately, equines subjected to this invasive 'trim' that they got drawn into the marketing and hype that went along for it. Yet another fad that needs to be outlawed.
This whole barefoot brigade episode has gone way too far.
It is a good marketing ploy and while some of it makes sense, it is not new and certainly not invented by some who claim it is.
the equine world is being drawn into a serious state of confusion with all the ever ending new management, feed, gadgets ect ect ect. No one is sure which is the best way to go for their horses.
I have contributed to many discussions about the strasser method, especially with farriers, an no I am not biased, it all makes sense, we were all discussing the negative repoccussions of the strasser trim well before the cruely changes become known. A lot of horses owners thought it was because the farriers would loose income and clients if strasser et el, got hold of the equine foot world. But in reality, they could see the damage the actual trim was doing. They are also up in arms with certain barefoot trimmers, because said trim is not new or invented, it is just been given, by the USA, a new and powerfully marketed name.
Farriers in the UK, however, saw the flaws and stuck to thier beleifs, that this and many other 'trims', although not as invasive, are not new or are wrong and none of them should not be done by people who have only a miniscual amount of training. It is fact that they offer very short training schemes, with most of the theory being online, and the practicals being on cadevas. there was an article written by a student who quoted, ' what happens when the teacher leaves' or something to that meaning, anyway, it was all about a group of bbarefoot trimmers, who had been on a short course, now armed with parring knife, rasp and mat ect ect, worried and totally unconfident about doing their first barefoot trim on live horses without supervision. playing a bit of russian roulete with a horse, is my way of thinking.
rant over

best regards


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
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" It's possible to learn to trim using this website and, if you want, some email conversation. I recommend you get at least one book or video and attend one or more clinics if available; the different points of view will help you fill in the whole picture. You will be "on a fast learning curve" for about a year before you understand the hoof with confidence; still your horse is better off with your "learning mistakes" than if he were shod. "

I'm all for barefoot when done properly. But this is horrid.

Look at what they are saying on the internet! eeuukk. people can't learn this stuff online to say the least.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2004
Good point GTM, and unfortunately, without the changing certain clauses of the farriery act, there is little you can do in regards to stopping barefoot trimmers. Unfortunately, also, but fact, you have no chance of knowing whether, if any, or how long these 'barefoot' trimmers have trained for or how many actual live horses they have practised on. That is where the risk lies.
Owners beware
best regards


Well-Known Member
25 January 2006
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eohippus I hope you aren't tarring all barefoot trimmers with the same brush. Most Equine Podiatrists deplore the Strasser method. It has been largely discredited. Barefoot on the other hand practised by KC LaPierre and those trained in his methods is a remedial tool, that in my case and hundreds more, has corrected the mistakes of farriers and saved our horses.

And we're not all raving evangelicals. My other horse is shod because she does a different kind of work and has no issues with her feet. My podiatrist doesn't even suggest removing all shoes from all horses - he suggested I keep her shod for now, like he has advised other clients when shoeing would be more advantageous for their situation.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2004
Lynwood, No, of course not, I was just pointing out a common fact in regards to what is going on in the equine hoof world at the moment. A lot have come and gone or have been discredited.
You mention KC Lapierre, and I am glad you feel that he does not spout the No horse needs shoes claim, But how on earth can you state that this particular trim has saved horses from farriers? Is this propergander or scientific fact?
Granted there are some 'underpar' farriers, But, In most cases they have a far extreme and lenghty training programme than the average barefoot trimmer.
remember the basis of the barefoot marketing and think about whether it will suit the avarage UK equine and owner? Is it feasible in every case?
again, Owner beware
best regards


Well-Known Member
25 January 2006
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It's not propaganda eohippus, it's just that there are a lot of substandard farriers, despite all their hyped up training, who allow hooves to grow out of balance, which is one of the factors that sets a horse up for navicular syndrome. This was my experience and a story I have heard so many times since. My horse was so lame at one point it took 30 minutes to walk from one end of the yard to the other, and she was nearly pts. I have MRI scans to support what I'm saying about foot balance and what happens to the structures inside the hoof when it isn't addressed consistently.

As soon as the shoes came off and she was trimmed by a qualified EP, she began to make progress, and I wish I had photos I could show you of her feet now, they are beautiful, and you can see how well they support the remaining 500kg of her!

A healthy balanced foot is now something that I can recognise, as EPs talk to their clients and educate them to share responsibility for their horse's feet. That's why we may seem a tad obsessed!


Well-Known Member
16 April 2006
mostly UK
yeah...... not banned because that would be hard to do with the possibility of enforcement but I really do wish people wouldn't do it.

I got accidently caught up with Strasser in the way that one might get accidently into drugs or a religeous cult. A friend who I trust and have a lot of respect for introduced me to a friend of theirs who seemed perfectly normal until they started talking about Strasser. At first it seemed innocent then I felt I was being 'recuited' to the cause. I reckon that everything that's bonkers in the horse world has to essential elements, first, something that is very believable and has a grain of truth about it, or is even based on a fact *inhales*. Second there is something wrong somewhere in the line of argument that gets you from the 'fact' to the conclusion. It's quite hard to disagree with the idea that horses didn't evolve horse shoes/God didn't create them wearing horse shoes but from then on I had lot's of problems with the Strasser line of reasoning. That's regardless of whether you trim it within an inch of its life. Certainly it, how shall I say it, deviates from what has been learned about horse feet using scientific investigation. I have no idea whether there is an interpretation of the woman's teachngs that doesn't involve crippling horses and losing lengthy legal battles but she has a following. Mind you, so did Hitler.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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Yes definitely, there are far better alternative kinder methods of barefoot trimming (ie KC HPT trim) - we don't need the barbaric Strasser method.


Well-Known Member
21 March 2002
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Ive seen first hand on more than one occasion the cruelty that can be inflicted in the name of Strasser ( I wont recount the tales again as it still upsets me deeply after all this time).....for gods sake and for the sake of all horses whose owners are stupid enough to believe in it, ban it now and prosecute those who practice and advocate it.