Does anyone feed just veg and hay to their bunnies ?


Well-Known Member
8 August 2012
Border of Cheshire/Wirral/ N Wales
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Nothing wrong with that. You could offer him Hawthorn branches and brambles too both are good for teeth and tummys

It might be worth checking that all is ok with his teeth too though as it could be a sign of the start of dental problems


Well-Known Member
12 August 2006
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I've recently got two and they came on chaff and a muesli mix. My buck wouldn't eat for three days when I got him but eventually took to eating and I weaned him onto pellets and my doe has no problems eating.

Rabbits are like horses and something like 80% of their diet should be forage and 20% veg or could also be split with pellets. I generally feed mine herbs and occasionally veg as a treat, such as a slice of carrot, and lots of hay. I chose to feed pellets as well on the basis they're still growing, but I believe many can cope just on hay and veg.

Just to add rabbits are notoriously fussy eaters and some have been known to turn their nose up at pellets as they can't eat the bits they like! I agree with Webble though and get your one's teeth checked in case he's due a dental.