Does anyone ride in Haugh Woods, Herefordshire?


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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I ride through these woods regularly but today have been accosted by a walker who told me horses are only allowed on the one bridlepath that does through the woods and no-where else in them. I cant find anything on the Forestry Commission website.


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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Yes, it is owned by the Forestry Commission. I thought we were allowed everywhere, other than the paths that are specifically signposted as "no horses". Haugh Woods has a bridle path that does through the middle and then across some fields and the walker was adamant that this was the only path we were allowed on. He was quite aggressive to me and my bike riding hubby and I just wanted to clarify that my understanding was correct and we weren't doing anything wrong.


Well-Known Member
25 November 2005
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Try telephoning the West Midlands office (if Haugh Woods is classed as West Midlands) and ask to speak to the Ranger for the Wyre Forest, they are horse friendly! At least you will know from the appropriate person and if you are allowed to ride then ask them to send an email so you have a piece of paper as proof. And if the answer is no - well you could ask why not and if there is any way of improving and expanding the available riding ...........................

In busy populated areas and where the ground conditions are tricky the FC charges a permit for horses to ride, always has.
However, towards the West, where the ground conditions are much better and there are far fewer people wanting to ride in the forests, there isn't a charge for a permit.


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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Thanks for the advice. Have had a very nice email from the Forestry Commission confirming we are allowed on all stoned tracks and do not require a permit.