Does these kinda things happen on all yards??


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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I use to think my yard was lovely, there are only 6 horses and 4 owners and everyone seemed to get on really well.

We still got the usual thing like brushes going walkies etc but usually found them in the kids grooming kits where they had forgotton to put them back. Everyone shared everything on the yard so it has never been a problem.

Lately though 2 of the other liveries have started being really funny with me & my friend, they have started locking all there stuff away (fair enough) but still use all of our stuff. I came down one day to ride and found one of there daughters all tacked up with MY horses bit in its mouth and with MY hat on
Needless to say it stopped me from riding so i wasn't imopressed. Then she didn't even put them back when she had finished.

They have also been moving our horses into other feilds without our knowlege so that they could put their ponies in the field we was using (i only found this out yesterday). Our horses then broke into YO back garden and WE got the b*llocking for it.

There are also 4 rug racks in the tack room. 1 for each person you would think but NO they keep throwing mine and my friends rugs on the floor so that they can put their rugs up there. I could undertsand maybe if our rugs were dry and theirs were wet but no, this is not the case as they have been chucking our rugs off for there stable rugs as well.

The last thing was yesterday, they own all the jumps and have now decided to take all the jumps out of the paddock and lock them away. Fair enough again, its their jumps but they have now accused us of braking one of the poles and said 'we owe them'. I was the last one to ride Friday night and all the jumps and poles were in tact i can assure you and then Saturday me and my friend were at a show all day so it certainly was not us. Plus we did brake 2 poles in the summer and admitted it and replaced them so why would we keep quite about it now.

I really wanna have it out with them as this is getting pathetic but dont know how to bring it up??

They have been on the yard longer than us so they are treating it like their yard and we are the liveries which is not the case. They have even demanded us bring our horses so they could put their out etc when they have no right but muggings here did it anyway.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Think you just have to be up front with them and ask them what the problem is. You should also mention your concerns to the YO so that they can be involved in these discussions.

Certainly moving horses is a massive no, no and the YO should definately be making their views known on this one.

Sounds tricky.


Well-Known Member
27 June 2006
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Unfortunately you seem to get strange people on every yards. One girl at our yard literally chucks our things at the way if it is in her area. We have tried discussing it with her but she still continues. If you could have words with them I would. You want to stop it all now before it gets out of hand


Well-Known Member
9 April 2006
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oh my god, i really feel sorry for you. i find that does happen with small yards. years ago the yard we use to be on had 5 horses, then someone new moved on and done the same thing.. needless to say we moved on, i really miss that yard but they just dont work.

luckily the yard im on now is generaly quite pleasent, unless the people with grey horses use the bay horses brushes and dont clean the grey hairs out!

the thing is with your situatuion if you start doing the same it will drive an even bigger wedge between you, and it will start to become a compition.
i would sit them down and ask what the bloody problem is.
buy your own jumps, put more rug racks up.

i really hope it gets better for you.


Well-Known Member
14 April 2002
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I would play them at their own game, lock all my stuff up and move everything back to where it is supposed to be, including the horses. Make sure the YO knows what they are doing then you cant get the blame when things start to go wrong.
As far as them thinking they own the yard unless they pay more than you for livery then everyone should be equal.


Well-Known Member
16 November 2005
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Names above Rug racks? or just bl**dy well do the same to theirs!!!!!!!!

But I think you do need to have a conversation with them re using your stuff (I would be straight up and requesting my tack) or lock it up or tell them you think you might have a case of ringworm!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Thing is we was going to start doing that and locking all our stuff away etc but then we are being just as petty as them.

We did move all their rugs off of the rug racks and put ours back only to come down and find they have been moved again. This has been going on all week.

They even used our wheelbarrow to bring their jumps up from the sand school as they didn't want to brake their own

I really think we need to have it out with them but dont know how to bring it up without getting their backs up.

Coz its such a small yard we dont want to fall out with them coz that will make matters worse, we just want to know what their problem is. This has only been happening over the last 3 months and we have been on the yard nearly 2 years.

Even my friends dad has notice and he only comes down during the week to get the horses in and then goes again.

We all pay the same livery too so yes we should all be equal but they think they have more rights than us coz they have been there longer and were the only two liveries down there for about a year.

They have all their stuff spread about in various differnt boxes, stables and the barn (two of the big metal boxes only contain a grooming kit each) but me and my friend have to share a box for 3 horses. They also insist on taking up 3/4 of the barn with hay even though their horses live out so me and my friend have to share 1/4 of it.

Its just getting stupid

Oh and YO lives in wales so only comes back for a couple of days per month and tends to stay out of these sort of things


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Bottom line is that it will cause some unpleasantness when you bring this up - obviously. But you have the same rights as them. They are bullying you and until you say something they won't stop.

Do lock your things away - it is good practice anyway.

Bite the bullett - things are never as bad as you think they're going to be!!


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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That's horrendus. The yard I'm on is very close and friendly, and the general thing is we can borrow what we like, so long as we ASK, then return it in original condition and put it back. I would tell YO, as this is vindictive things. Ask her to allocate a rug rack for each person, and put up a notice asking that people to only use theirs and to keep things locked away.
Personally, I always bring tack home, and hats etc. if i don't want it going walkabout i take it home. YO has a huge cabinet full of bits and girths and we can borrow what we like. It saves alot of hassle.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Thats what our yard used to be like, everyone got on and we borrowed each others stuff and no-one minded as long as it went back etc. If we broke anything it was replaced etc but lately there has been a great divide and we dont know why

If they said to us can you make sure you dont use x,y and z anymore then fair enough but they dont need to do it in a really sneaky way and if thats the case then stop using our stuff too.


30 October 2006
East Anglia
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I think all yards have someone odd who makes the game less fun for everyone else, and its a real shame.
I'd def take a stand about it though and make yourself heard, your 'area' to keep stuff at the yard should be thought of as being your property and not entered into or 'borrowed' without you allowing this to happen!

Wouldn't life be easier without humans!! xx


Well-Known Member
25 December 2004
back of beyond
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This is why I only let a select few people borrow my stuff, and only when they ask, then I know it won't go missing as I trust both of them and I know they would feel too guilty if they nicked anything! And I try not to borrow anyone else's things if I can avoid it. We also have a YO who controls which fields horses go in and things like that, she is in charge and no-one messes with her!
I agree with the others, it won't stop unless you confront them about it all, and yes it will cause bad feelings but I'd rather that than struggle on with them being so horrible.
And I also agree with stinkerstonkersmum - someone from another yard once borrowed YO's washing things after a lesson without asking, and when his wife asked to borrow them after her lesson our YO said 'well actually I'd rather you didn't, one of my horses has had a nasty infection on his skin and I would want it passed to your yard' - apparently the bloke who had used the stuff went white! Highly amusing... you may as well get some fun out of it!


Well-Known Member
29 June 2005
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Yes unfortunately I think it does - the minority tend to spoil it for the majority.
I have to keep pumping up the wheel on my barrow as I paid out for a plastic one and others keep borrowing it as its light to use, no one has offered to repair or replace it. Plus people keep helping themselves to my feed every so often - I get my own back by informing people on yard that my feed has been going and by the way it is NOT ordinary pony nuts but high in protein so watch out for the loopy horse!
If I came up and found someone using my bit and hat, I would have made them give them back there and then - but it isn't a pleasant situation to be in. Most of my stuff is kept at home or locked in a cupboard at the yard, the rest sometimes seems to be fair game for other people.
Sympathise with you as this is not an easy one to resolve - either have a chat to them to try to sort it out or lock all your stuff up so they can not use it.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Not on my yards it wouldn't!! As YO, I always take charge when any issues arise - I like harmony between my liveries.......makes for a pleasant place to spend time.

Just a thought - you haven't spoken about these people on HHO? They couldn't have read anything that they don't like on here?


Well-Known Member
29 June 2006
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you have to talk to these people. they are disrespectful and rude by the sounds of it. maybe even stoop to their level and lock all of your things away too.

using you bit and hat is inexcusable in my opinion so i would have lost it then, esp as it then meant that u couldnt ride!!

good luck hun and let us no how u get on



Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Hi Tia

No never spoken about them on HHO before as i have never needed to. We have always got on really well so cant understand why all of a sudden its all going pear shaped

We also found a letter their kids had wrote. They had written it from the YO saying that they no longer wanted me or my friend on the yard and the only liveries they wanted down there were their parents. We just took it as a pinch of salt coz thats just kids for you but now it makes me wonder if they have picked up on things their parents have been saying.

We have never been horrible to the kids, we have hacked out with them, given them lessons, leant them our stuff and even gone to shows to cheer them on so i can only assume that this spitfulness is the result of them overhearing adult converations maybe.

We definatly need to have it out with them but the annoying thing is now the nights are drawing in they are usually gone by the time i get there.


Well-Known Member
16 January 2006
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all yards are the same, i should i have been on quite a few moving for work mostly round the country. at the moment where i am there is a bully, if they can't get there own way they have a temper tantrum, so far have threatened to beat up at least 5 people at the yard including me, allegely did hit some one on friday, it is sort of peaceful as they haven't spoken to me for months since the threat just glare like they are six years old with daggers in the eyes. the yard owner doesn't wont to get involoved ahhhhhhhh but i know that next time i get threatend its police time, i will not be dictated to or threatened they will not drive me away, the other people make up for it. by the way this is an adult of about 45 not a young one and should no better


Well-Known Member
3 March 2006
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You shouldn't stand for this at all.
I would confront them with all the issues (doesn't ahve to be aggressive) and see what they say. It seems as though the more you don't react, the more they try and push you.
Also - supposing the kid had fallen off and your hat needed replaced - you may not have known and you could be more susceptable to injury (not withstanding the fact that they make it all smelly....!)
I have been on many yards, and in my experience this often happens on DIY yards. This is why I don't offer DIY, as the yard politics gets too much! (Before I get shot down, I do appreciate that there are good DIY and bad part/full yards out there - I'm just speaking from my own personal experience!!!)


Well-Known Member
24 April 2006
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I really feel for you, what a horrible situation to be in. Personally my DIY yard is brilliant I don't have this problem. I would defiantly have it out with them it's not fair what their doing to you.
Also at my yard we have to have all our tack locked away in tack lockers so maybe do this? You can make your own out of kitchen cupboards etc.. It works well at our yard as no-one can borrow tack without having the key. Also I lock all my bits band pieces up in a box just too keep everything where I left them. if I was you I would lock things away. x


Well-Known Member
24 August 2005
They really need talked to about this sort of thing.

When I was at a livery yard another livery moved one of mine without permission. He got stressed, went through a fence and ended up with a badly cut up leg, overnight in hospital and showing next year down the drain.

Things like that can be quite dangerous.


Well-Known Member
11 July 2006
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I can't suggest anything that hasn't already been said, but one question - could they have a friend in mind they want to move to the yard hence the 'campaign' against you and your friend?

It might not be possible but the YO really should get involved.


Well-Known Member
9 July 2006
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If I saw another Livery with my tack, without permission, I would demand it straight away. No, boohoo just get my b***dy tack off.

I would get in contact with the YO ASAP and make sure that you get your side of the story. It is a gut feeling that they could be feeding stories to the said YO to get you out.

Dont let them bully you or drive you out. Good Luckx


Well-Known Member
30 October 2006
We keep ours at DIY approx 13 horses, but certainly no bad feeling like that. We ASK before we borrow either equipment and certainly dont even touch each others horses unless helping each other out.

This is not on, plain bullying. I'd definately move to another yard, let the owner know that you intend to because you are being bulled and tell the trouble makers they will have to find what would have been your share of the livery money, actually dont do that, but DO speak to YO before you go, dont ever burn bridges with YO if you can help it, you never know where your horsebox etc may break down!!

Its not normal and shouldnt be tolerated, its a total lack of respect. I've been on yards like that and the small ones can sometimes be the worst as things get personal.