Ok, so I recieved this letter (delivered to my house worryingly) about a month ago, and am a little concerned, not to mension amused at it. Has anyone else ever had a similar issue? Makes for an...interesting read..?
"what is it for you that makes u want to hunt? because i think its only really for the SICK minded! but i can clearly see that you are in love with it. quite sad really seaming as you are grown man. When next i see your hunt, i just love 2 get on my motor bike and scare the horses. it gives me as real kick. just like you get with ripping a poor fox to shreds after chacing it for ages.I'm a well informed horse owner, so dont accuse me of being a 'towny', and have lived in the area for a great many years. but never have i been conpeled to go and comit animal cruelty with of group of pompos nobodys!"
"what is it for you that makes u want to hunt? because i think its only really for the SICK minded! but i can clearly see that you are in love with it. quite sad really seaming as you are grown man. When next i see your hunt, i just love 2 get on my motor bike and scare the horses. it gives me as real kick. just like you get with ripping a poor fox to shreds after chacing it for ages.I'm a well informed horse owner, so dont accuse me of being a 'towny', and have lived in the area for a great many years. but never have i been conpeled to go and comit animal cruelty with of group of pompos nobodys!"