Does this worry stop !!


Well-Known Member
28 October 2009
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So over the last 4 years I've had two lovely horses, sadly my 5 year old had to be pts 4 weeks ago due a bad lami attack.
He had never had lami before, this is my problem.......I'm worried sick about my other horse getting it, so much so that I asked my vet to do the insulin test which came back within normal range.
I noticed that he's hoofs had changed a little, sent pic to my farrier he said I'm picking holes in everything to worry about and need to stop.( Easier said than done)
It's so hard and feel like I need a good slap to shake this feeling off.
Has anyone else gone through the same feelings ?
Thanks for reading...


Well-Known Member
16 January 2006
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this is just understandably normal what if feelings...................take a deep breath, is the other horse over weight, can you feel his ribs or see his ribs, if not then he probably needs to slim down, decrease food and increase work load. can you feel his pulse above the hoof, learn how to find it, and work out a base line for this. then you will know what an increase is for him. keep monitoring, weight weekly and pulse daily takes 1 min tops

now you have this knowledge...................crack on


Well-Known Member
2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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Yes, lots of times!

Don't worry, it's normal! It's like being a parent! Stressing out at everything....! Loosing a horse is hard, you'll be forever questioning your own judgement. But you will relax again soon.
