does wet ground make difference in horses approach


Well-Known Member
27 October 2005
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I have ridden Roxy this morning and we had a jump. I decided to jump today as she hit a jump that was 2nd part of a double almost 2 weeks ago, at a show (vertical to oxer) and it was a bit long. I thought I`d best jump her over some doubles before venturing a class again on Thursday. We jumped a x-pole a couple of times to warm up, then added an upright etc.
Her approach was a tad slow as if she was backing off and I had to use more leg than usual. But also she was knocking the poles too. Although we only had 2 down, she must`ve rapped them almost every time she jumped. Do you think it was because it was wet and she felt that it was slippy going, although we didn`t slip.
I did manage to get a decent combination of 3 fences, where she didn`t touch them at all twice out of 3 times. These were at heights of 3`, being the first fence, then 3`3" then 3`7".


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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did you have studs in?
If this was on grass...I'd say she may have been wary, and rightly so! If she was slipping, who can blame her?!
Those were decent sized jumps to be jumping off slippy ground, I'd not want to jump much over 3" on slippy ground w/out studs, and even then I wouldn't be keen!


Well-Known Member
27 October 2005
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No, I didn`t put studs in as I never do at home as I don`t want her to rely on them. I only use them at a show where I am turning etc, outdoors on grass. This morning I was ony doing a straight line of a grid and she isn`t one to race off so I didn`t use them. She didn`t slip at all as we had a balanced, but slow, canter up to them and after them. There is a lot of grass in there and it isn`t churned up at all, but it was soft and wet today. So I was just thinking would it be because it was soft and she was being careful. After a few times, she did go more forward but not as attacking as she usually does, if you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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Just think about the jumping... it may have been a straight line but she has to push off the ground and so needs traction.(not sure if its the rigth way to put it!) She may not have felt she had the right grip and so was cautious.
I don't blame her...mine all jump w/ studs in were necessary (basically when they jump on grass) but can also jump w/out them happily when I judge there is no need/run out of time!
Wouldn't worry about one day though, maybe put studs in next time?


Well-Known Member
27 October 2005
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Thanks. I don`t usually jump when the ground is wet like today, (perhaps why she was different) But I felt that I needed to have a jump before the show. I may take her on Thursday to see what happens. Hopefully, it doesn`t seem that it has upset her though, (the last show) but we shall see. Your post has made me feel better about today. Thank you.
I shall have to put some jumps back in the menage to practice in there.