Dog training challenge to Celt


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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Dear Celt,

If you can show me how to train my four dogs so that I can take them round my woods when there are deer in them without flushing the deer out then I will give you ten thousand pounds.

My only condition is that I should have free access to all of my land with my dogs at all times whether or not the deer are there.

I don't think it is possible for me to prevent my dogs from flushing out deer.

I can already get them to walk to heel and can stop them chasing the deer.

That's the challenge, there must be deer in the woods, I must have walked my dogs where the deer are and the deer must still be there when I am finished.

Oh three other conditions:

1) I mustn't have shot the deer to prevent them being flushed out, they must remain alive
2) It mustn't involve taming or tethering the deer in any way, they must be in their natural wild state
3) The deer in question must be the red and rowe deer that naturally roam my farm.

What I find when I come across a deer is that it becomes aware of me and runs away.

Be aware that my woods are really quite small and I want to be able to walk the dogs where the deer are.



Well-Known Member
19 December 2006
N. Wales
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Can I ask you this simple question, if you take the dog out of the equation and simply walked through the area occupied by the deer would you expect them to remain there undisturbed? If not then you’re challenge if that is what you are setting is unachievable.
However if you want me to train you’re dogs to desist from chasing deer then I would gladly do so and I could guarantee you that at the end of the training sessions they would be walking to heel past any deer.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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I could do that anyway, I think you may be missing the point. Flushing the deer out is illegal, not just chasing.

Unless of course you shoot them.

And why shopuld I have to shoot them?

Why, to stop my dogs chasing them of course!

But why not just keep them to heel or on a lead?

Surely that would be a better way to stop the deer being chased than shooting them?


Well-Known Member
19 December 2006
N. Wales
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I think that we are going around in circles here,. It appears to me that you are simply trying to bring attention to yourself without actually risking any remunerating or custodial sentences.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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I'm trying to bring attention to the fact that it doesn't make sense to ban me from merely flushing out deer with dogs. I'm capaigning against the Hunting Act. That involves bringing attention to the fact that it is cr@p.

I'm not risking prosecution because although flushing out deer with dogs is illegal, it shouldn't be.

I can't really see why any of this is particularly contraversial.