Dog walking musings


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Usual walk this morning, it was scarily windy at points, bit of a chore in the mud. A couple with a cocker caught up with me on the first path, woman ignored me, bloke said good morning. I went past another owner who totally ignored me. Call me crazy, but in the middle of quite remote woods, I’d prefer a man (sexist?!) to smile and say hi. Then another owner with a spaniel went past and acted like we’d never come across each other. I think we’re pretty distinctive, 3 springers and me with the hair! We’ve stopped and chatted before but today he said ‘3?! They must keep you busy!’ as though we’d never chatted. I usually recognise the dogs and therefore the owners, although out of context, I’d be clueless.

Do you walk without even passing a ‘Good morning’ or are you quite sociable? I understand you might need to go past concentrating on your dog, especially if it’s reactive, but I find it hard to go past without a word.


Well-Known Member
11 February 2018
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The big girl and I are quite sociable and would say hello, chat and made friends with fellow dog walkers.

Well, that I was until I completely lost patience. Now we avoid them.


Well-Known Member
22 September 2015
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I have a nervous & reactive dog. Other people walking their dogs are not my friends and to be avoided 🤣

But walking generally, I'd say a cheery hello but try not to stop as I'm A. Usually running late no matter what I'm doing and B. I'm a real chatty Sally, so we will be there for a long time if I do (see point A)


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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We live in deeply rural Devon. There is a 99% chance I know the fellow dog Walker. So we always stop and chat. All my dogs sit up and wait except Tawny, who I either leash or if it’s ok can go and talk. The older she gets the worse she behaves.
This morning we met the farmers daughter across the way and the new neighbour. FD was returning her very ill father’s dog to him and new neighbours were walking their delightful, and VERY important shit zsu and fluffy grey thing.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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I’m not a massive chatterbox, although a bloke yesterday gave me the entire history of his dogs! I just think a polite ‘Good morning/hello’ is nice and reassuring, although I hear everyone says serial killers always come across as polite. 🤣 I don’t want a big old chat, my lot are quite busy, but won’t go far if I do stop, however I spent years avoiding other dogs/owners because of Zak. It’s nice to be able to say hello. I’m aware not everybody wants to engage!


'It's only a laugh, no harm done'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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I will always say good whatevertimeitis but do not stop, engage in conversation or want to interact with other people's dogs.

This. I actively avoid my neighbour, who always wants to have a big conflab, usually about himself, post 11pm outside other people's houses when I just want to clean the dogs and go to bed.
He has a wife, kids and grandkids so not lonely.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Two riders went on to the verge in the lane today, I slowed right down to tell the one with a coloured how lovely her horse was. Hope she wasn't sighing at me! I went past under the impetus of the automatic, I could see the chestnut was impatient to get on but didn't want to use the gas in case it spooked.


Well-Known Member
3 January 2012
SW Scotland
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Living alone, I love meeting fellow walkers out with their dogs.Its nice for me and my dogs to say hello. I don’t want to stop long term and discuss the meaning of life though! Going at a regular time, it tends to be the same people though, sometimes it’s just a ‘ good morning’ or ‘hello’ and sometimes a little more. We have a few runners out along the top of the shore too, hellos are brief and I sometimes catch my over friendly flatcoat so they don’t get tripped up! 😂🐾

Mrs. Jingle

Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
Deep in Bandit Country
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Always say at least Hi - but mostly stop for a brief chat as all people likely to be out and about are neighbours anyway. Not now of course as I can no longer walk further than down to our yard. My son walks them for me but usually on our fields and tracks, not out on the lanes because of the reactive over protective one. Just too risky for the sake of other people.

When I lived in Norfolk in the UK I found it really odd how people would walk right past you on a narrowish track and completely blank you and act as though you weren't even there! 🤷‍♀️ Bit I think that is an English reserved thing compared to the very friendly Irish almost over friendly thing.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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I wonder if man with spaniel has memory issues. Today he said ‘3? You only had 2 yesterday’ despite telling me 3 must keep me busy yesterday then proceeded to tell all about his dog. We’ve had the conversation before! He’s a good 10 years younger than me. I was happy to talk, he seems like a nice guy, my lot ignored his, quick chat and off we went in different directions. I wonder if he’s forgotten that we came across each other lots before summer, stopped for quick chats multiple times. Normally I have my hair scraped up but had it down today. It’s Christmas!


Well-Known Member
3 April 2008
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I always say hello, I find it really weird and rude if people just walk past, particularly as I’ve usually said something or at the very least smiled first.
I’d quite like people to stop and chat and say hi to my two boys, they both, more so the younger have a slight “ahh person” moment if someone walks round a corner so it’s quite nice for the person to appear friendly to us! Imo anyway!!
If we meet another dog that’s not happy or one of mine isn’t I still manage a quick hi!
Surely it’s just basic manners!


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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I do say hello most of the time but sometimes if I see people in the distance I turn off before I have to pass them 🙈.

There was a man sitting on a log at the entrance to our woods the other day so I purposely walked round the other way so I wouldn't have to squeeze past, where the logs are is the only dry bit and I really didn't want to go that close to him 😆