Don,nt know what to do


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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This is a long story the short of it is

A friend of mine and her x bought some ponies from the market a few years back she mainly looked after them etc well they broke up she took most of the passports for hers and some of the ponies when she went back to get the other 6 ish he had locked the gate so she couldn't get it,

we tried everything ( he is very nasty character ) we tried solicitors he kindly wrote a few letters to the guys solicitor

i tried ringing even got abuse from him

he is with holding about 6 ponies 1 of which she gave to me as i had bought the mother who sadly died of colic she has the original passports, he has made fake ones up we know cos i typed the ponies name onto NED and sure enough there he was along with another and even the passport agency details ( who have done nothing even trading standards have done nothing as the police. )Her passports are 100% legit as they have certain details on them that he would not have put on the fake ones as are the dates of hers earlier than his he doesn't want them just doing it out of spite they just site and rot in field i have pictures of there condition i took last year and their feet, horse welfare have been notified, went down once and said they would go down again 2 months ago i dont know if the have,
the biggest thing is there is no bill of sale as it was cash in hand at reading market. He has had them microchip ed we know and had him gelded without my friends knowledge ( i found out when i went down there).

We think there is no hope now :mad:
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Well-Known Member
6 September 2009
middle england
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your friend should have got them microchipped when she hade them passported that way the x bf would not have been able to get new passports issued thats why its the law every horse has to be chippen to stop passports being issued more than once.