Dont Know What To Do


Well-Known Member
28 November 2006
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I have been horse riding for a while now, however its only recently that i have been lucky enough to purchase my own horse. She is a 4 year old cob and she was a rescue case. She is pregnant and due in May to another heavy cob.

Now ive never cared for a pregnant horse before and im so worried that im going to do something wrong. Ive been asking for advise but its just got me more muddled.

I am not riding her at the minute, instead im giving her a 20 minute lunge. She was on cool mix and i was going to change her to Spillers mare and young stock mix.

However ive been told by one person that i shouldnt be lunging her and she should only be walked about, and that she should be on the mare and young stock mix. Whereas another person told me that she is fine on the cool mix and that lunging her wont do her any harm.

Any advise and tips on how to make the rest of her pregnancy go smoothly, would be greatly appreciated. Or advise on how to exercise and feed her would be a big help.


Well-Known Member
30 May 2006
Milky Beans
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I'd suggest you ring a feed merchant so they can advise you on what to feed her.

I don't know anything about the exercising I'm afraid.

Good luck with the pregnancy and welcome to the forum.


Well-Known Member
28 November 2006
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Im just so scared that i will do something wrong. The guy at the feed store knows nothing lol, ive already asked him for some advise.

Shes had a bad start in life and i just want to mother her so badly lol


Well-Known Member
10 February 2006
may be worth posting for Sportznight. she is a regular on here and has loads of experience with infoal mares. She is also really down to earth and friendly so don't worry about what you ask her.


Well-Known Member
28 November 2006
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Kirstyfk she is due on the 13th May next year, she is huge already! I had a wee sit on her a while back and it was a strange experience.

Shes broken in as we did try a saddle on her when she arrived at the stables, we didnt do up the girth. Shes only 14.2hh, im not used to something that small, but shes a cute wee thing and loves being pampered.


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5 December 2005
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I can't see any problem with lungeing her lightly, for short periods. Some people ride right up until 3 months before the mare is due to foal, and Obv she has no weight on her with lungeing, so I would continue to lunge until jan time. Do remember though, that lungeing is harder work than normal riding, so keep sessions short and easy. After xmas, if you still feel she needs 'work' (perhaps to keep on top of things so she doesnt get bargy etc) you can always walk her inhand in a bridle. So long as she doesnt get silly, if she's apt to being silly and might overdo things, accept you may have to re-start her on a few things and let her rest.

As for feed, now I may be wrong, and I am sure someone will correct me if I am, but I *think* some of these feeds are like a stud mix, which has stuff in it to help the foal grow. Which is all well and good, but you need to be very careful how much you feed. I would phone up several feed lines and see what the general advice is. Or do you have a stud nearby? perhaps phone them up and ask their advice? most people are only too happy to pass on their advice. Again, until after xmas I would keep her on a normal feed, perhaps with just a sprinkling of mare and foal, until she's nearer, when her milk comes in. That's when she'll need it. If she's a good doer, so long as she's warm and has enough 'padding' I wouldnt fuss too much.


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14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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My mare is going into foal next year and i will carryon competing her (BD) until she dosent want to do it anymore - they make it perfectly clear when they dont want to work, trust me. You arent harming her by lunging her aslong as she is going forwards willingly and you arent having to chase her around. i personally would put her on the stud cubes (or whatever it is you want to change to).

My friend had her SJer put into foal a couple of years ago and she still competed it at 1.20 for about 4months into the pregnacy. The foal was fine and no problems at birth.

I know a lot of people that compete their infoal mares so dont worry about the exercise thing.


Well-Known Member
28 November 2006
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Thank you, i just want to do good by her, as i know its not her first foal. Shes a heavy weight cob mare, and shes the best natured horse ive seen in a long time! She loves me coming into the stable and fussing over her.

When i lift the lunge rein she starts calling out, there is no need to encourage her at all. She is in a temporary yard at the minute until i get my stables sorted. However im not pleased with them as i think they are giving her oats, when i take her out now she bucks and rears, then takes off at a mad canter!


Well-Known Member
21 December 2005
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She is lovely (I love heavy cobs!) and lucky to have you. I bought a heavy cob 4 years ago and didn't realise she was in foal (I now have a cracking coloured 3-year old). Be careful about feeding her too rich a diet - a lot of the mare & foal mixes/cubes are designed for TBs whereas you girl has been bred to live off forage. Someone that helped me no end is Jane of Simple System feeds (these are natural, sugar & starch free feeds). Jane breeds arabs but was more than happy to help with my cob. Her website is How exciting for you - welcome to the forum and lots of luck.


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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My mare is in foal at the moment, and only has three months left. This is also my first foal, so I have been learning as I go... but I would echo what P_G said about them telling you when they have had enough with regards to working her.

I rode my mare (and competed her) four months into the pregnancy. I would have continued until 5 months had she not gone lame and had three weeks off work. So after that she was lightly schooled with lots of long and low work as she can get very silly on the lunge.

When she had four months left I cut out all of her work completely, and she just went out in the field every day for a chill out and a wander around. The days she is in due to the horrendous weather at the moment, she is walked around the school in hand (although Sunday night saw me running after a bronking horse galloping up the school, LOL).

With regards to the stud mix, they do tend to say that the last trimester is when they need something extra. My mare is looking extremely well at the moment on Alfa A, TopSpec Leisure Balancer, garlic and Cortaflex... so I do not think I am going to add anything else into her diet. I might change the Leisure Balancer to the original Feed Balancer now there is not much grass, but I would not have done this any sooner than the last trimester as recommended by TopSpec.

However, having said all of this, all horses are different and there are so many opinions out there that I do not think you will ever find 'the' solution or answer. Sometimes you have to go off your instinct.


Well-Known Member
2 April 2006
Mo is still in work not doing any jumping just flat work & the odd dressage test. Lunging wont hurt the mare she will be better off for it. It is the last 3-4mths that the foal will start to make most growth and you will need to ensure the mare is getting the right vits & mins. Every mare is different but do not worry so much. Contact your vet if you need help dont forget to worm her 10/11 days before she is due to foal & her booster should be given about 45 days before to increase the antibodies in the Colostrum. Good luck


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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My little cob x mare is due on 31st May. She is on no hardfeed at the moment, just a little Hi Fi with a good vitamin suppliment. She is out all day and stabled at night with Hay. It's unlikely that your horse will need any supplimentary feeding until three months before she is due to foal - so mid February in your case.

From the pictures she looks like a well built mare - and it's vitally important that you don't let her get fat which she looks as if she could be verging on now. If you can feed hay instead of haylage this will help.

Your worming regime should stay the same - always double checking that whatever wormer you use is suitable for pregnant mares.

You don't say where you are keeping her - at home or at livery. But you will need to plan ahead on how you will manage mare and foal when the time comes. Who will they be turned out with?? Do you have a trusy companion mare that can keep your mare company once she is settled with her new foal. You will not be able to turn out with the mob.

There are a number of very good books around - but I have one by Janet Loch - from foal to first year (or something like that) which is very good.

It would be worth getting your vet to give her a health check after Christmas just to see how she's progressing.

There have been lots of discussions on here between a few of us on what to do with pregnant mares - some like to do a little with them - some not. Your mare is only a youngster herself, and her riding career barely started. My preference would be not to ride or lunge her. She will get natural exercise in the field. Lunging just carries too many risks - especially for a well built lady like yours.

It all sounds as if this situation was rather unexpected - but try not to worry. And how exciting for May!!!!


Well-Known Member
28 November 2006
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She is just a wonderful lady, i let her out in the arena for a wander about today and she loved it. She is in a livery yard and some fields are closed now. The ones that are open have horses in them already and shes very stroppy at the minute with other horses so she would need to go out herself.

Im just terrified that i wouldnt do things right! That i will be doing her more harm than good!