Don't you just love being on livery?!


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11 December 2008
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Don't get me wrong. I love my yard but when I'm trying to back my filly and everyone is coming and going it really doesn't make life easier!

I know she has to learn to ignore it all but whilst I'm not sure about my brakes I'd much rather be able to get on with it without her finding distractions everywhere!

Today I had barking dogs, children running about, people stomping up and down the muck heap which is right next to the school and I came out of the school to find two people stood there with their horses ready to go in.No wonder she kept looking over to the yard! I also had a random dog walker let his dogs off into the woods which run along side the school which properly freaked her out too! The day before there was a horse wandering loose on the yard next to the school eating out of a plastic haylage wrapper (don't ask :rolleyes:) and someone hosing their horses feet right by the fence.

I do sometimes wish I was out in the countryside on my own so I could get some peace and quiet! I don't expect them to stop what they're doing for me obviously as they have as much right as I do to get on with things. I'm just not as brave as I used to be and could do without her constantly nosing at everything whilst we learn the basics. Everyone goes back to work tomorrow anyway so I can do her in the evenings when no one is there again. Phew!

That was a bit of a mental rant wasn't it?! :eek:


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30 July 2010
In the middle of nowhere (Devon!!)
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I know how you feel!

I've been on a large yard when everyone thought it was OK to get involved with my youngster at the time. It even got to the point when people came into the school to watch - not what I need on a scatty, spooky baby!

I'm lucky now to be on a small yard, where everyone gets on with each other and can't ride at the moment so don't have a problem with horses coming anf going!


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4 November 2010
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I remember saying the same things when I backed Fergs - I had kids screaming, belting ponies up and down the next field, mechanics right next door, people screeching up and down on dirt bikes and in cars... Ended up doing most of it in the evenings when it was quiet too :eek:

Not a lot you can do about it, but it is frustrating as hell!


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16 January 2007
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I know what you mean. When I was backing my baby I was on a lovely quiet yard and was only ever in the school on my own with no distractions, we also had off road hacking. Moved to my new yard (moved due to work) and it's a lot busier, he has to share the school with other horses, there are cars going up and down the drive next to the school, hacking is through a village and in the summer I was schooling him in the field whilst they were building the school in the next field - heavy machinery and everything!

Whilst it's annoying at the time it will do your horse the power of good. Go to your first show and will be just that bit easier. I was having kittens just sharing the school with other people at first but how did I ever think I'd compete if I didn't brave the collecting ring! My pony has gone from being a country bumpkin to being expected to concentrate if they are using heavy machinery next to where he's schooling and I think we've both benefited from it. Keep going, it'll be worth it to have a bombproof baby! :)

Moggy in Manolos

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8 March 2006
South Glos
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Yes, it is much nicer to be able to get on with training, schooling or backing in peace and quiet. I was very lucky and had no such issues backing our youngsters as we had our own land.

Not sure if there is a chance of going down when no one is really about. I am on a pretty large yard, 30 horses or so, and you can be the only one down there, bliss. It tends to be around lunchtime.
I know it is not always possible, but may allow for some quieter moments


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11 December 2008
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I'd love to be able to go up in the day but I work 9-5 and it's actually quieter after about half five anyway. No one else likes to do stuff in the dark so I can have the place to myself. Means Nitty is very good at doing things under the lights! I don't like doing things in the dark either but needs must and all that.

Like I say, I don't think they should all go away but I do get the feeling none of them have ever backed anything as they don't seem to have much idea of what may or may not bother a youngster just starting out. Poor Nits :eek:

Anyway, it's all good. I can walk and trot (sort of ) now so we're nearly there. She says in her most optimistic voice ;)


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17 January 2011
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I promise that in a couple of years, you'll be so glad you did it the hard way, when you can do your riding club dressage in a field with people, dogs, kids all over the place and your horse is quite used to it, doesn't bat an ear and people can admire your super bomb proof horse and tell you how lucky you are


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9 November 2010
East Anglia
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I think it's the same where ever you are. I'm in a lovely yard on my own BUT it's a working farm so about to be mobbed by all the sugar beet related traffic, also does boat storage which includes a guy with a metal boat who spends 8 hrs a day air blasting his hull! Means i can fully understand your rant. Doesn't matter where you are if you want peace and quiet someone will spoil it! I think it's more peaceful here at work than what my yard proberly is now!

Moggy in Manolos

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8 March 2006
South Glos
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Yeah its only weekends I can do that time of day too, I work in central bristol so no way could even get to the yard during the day during working week :D

Good luck with your girl, I am not keen on others watching either :D


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11 December 2008
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I don't mind people watching usually but she is actually quite frisky and a bit nappy, despite how she appears on videos, and she just wants to run over to the gate where people stand if they are there, so not helpful!

BH is very bombproof and I never minded doing him with all sorts of stuff going on because for the most he would just ignore it. People could watch, dogs came in the school he just ignored it. She is incurably nosey and will try and whip round to look at anything she sees which she thinks is interesting. Sticky beaked little minx!

Hopefully we'll begin to find it all very boring soon and she'll feel less on her toes about it all and I can stop worrying about what people are doing and trying to time it so it is quiet!


Well-Known Member
3 July 2008
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I agree with walrus, i know it can be annoying and hard with your confidence isnt were you would like it to be, but it will pay off in the long run. I am priveleged enough to have my horses at home, but that does not mean its quiet! I dont have a school and borrow my neighbours who is a fifteen minute hack away. Which means no access to lunging before you mount!! My latest was just broke and was still being walked round the stable after you girthed up and being mounted from a leg up in two parts (lie over then up).
She has had to get used to being mounted most of the time in one go from a lill chair thing in an acre of concrete yard and behave in the wind walking down a road before being able to blow off steam!!
People would hate this and when schooled my collie runs in the opposite direction im schooling! the more distractions i nearly encourage, teaches manners in abundance!!