Hi! I lease my pony Lucky and since I have been leasing him he has been ridden in a kimberwicke. I don't think he needs that much bit and am looking to downgrade him to a snaffle. What I have available is a d ring rubber mouth snaffle. I have lunged him in it before and he went well in it but when I get on him he just tries to run through me and braces on the bit. He brings his neck up and if I try to take some contact he just keeps bracing. What would be the best way to reteach him how to take a snaffle bit after being conditioned (and dulled) to the leverage of the kimberwicke. He did go well in the kimberwicke but I could barely hold a true contact with it and if I used my hands it felt to him like a correction. Before you attack me- It was not my choice to ride him in a kimberwicke! I lease- don't own! So that is why I am trying to transition back and fill in this hole in his training.