Dr. Cook's bitless bridles


Well-Known Member
19 February 2006
Middle England
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I have one I bought cheap off ebay and its great. Daisy used to take hold of the bit in trot on a hack and go a bit too fast but because she can't evade it its much better and has solved all our hacking problems.

It can be a bit tight around the nose, I'm thinking of getting one of the foam pads to stop it rubbing but other than that its great.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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I also bought a Dr Cooks "type" off E.Bay to try on my little mule when I started driving her again.
When I used to drive her she put her tongue over the bit which never worried me or her till "Them Wot Do It Proper" said it was wrong and after she had gone through several types of ported bits and other instruments of torture along with having her nose tied up with a flash noseband I decided it wasn't worth putting her through it and stopped driving.
After a six year gap I decided to go back to the way we were before things started going wrong and at another angle.So now we are bitless blinkerless and really having fun.
She can't put her tongue over the bit so no one can worry about it,she can chew if she wants and is much easier to drive and because she can see she's not as nervouse---also if anything does get too much for her I just step off and go to her head.