drag hunting - differences


Well-Known Member
16 November 2006
San Francisco, CA
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I last drag hunted in the UK 17 years ago, and I remember there being perhaps 4 or 5 lines run, lots of jumps, and being out for 4 or 5 hours. Could that be right?

I recently hunted in the USA and there was one long line, lots of checks, not much galloping or jumping and all done in 2 hours.

Is my memory of drag hunting just totally glorified? :confused: What's your experience been?


Well-Known Member
26 October 2006
from my PC
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Well i'm abit off range here as I have never drag hunted. And I will now probably soon be murdered for what I am about to say!
The closest you will get to the experience of a traditional fox hunt is hunting with Bloodhounds. As they hunt the natural scent, of which is man. So basically they have a live quary which is similar to fox hunting IMO. They have to work to find and follow their live scent, be it ground contamination or odours in the air. They often lose, pause and pick up again. Drag hunting, and please someone quote me if I am wrong, is of such a strong scent it cannot be lost hence the speed of the 'chase'.
So only from my experience, bloodhounds give you the opportunity to see hounds work and cover on average 3 or 4 lines over 3 or 4 hrs.


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
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From my experience, drag hunting is exactly the way it was for you 17 years ago but with 3 or 4 lines over about 4 hours and being in the New Forest, no jumps for me!!
Although the scent laid is strong, it easily dries up if it is windy and if the ground is dry or it is sunny so they can go off trail, slowing it down a bit but yes, if they pick it up, the hounds can fly, lol!