"Unlike a drag hunt, where the scent is laid in a straight line, Nigel and his cohorts will be trying to mirror the zig zag path of a hunted fox."
but somewhere else, I found this, which seems to offer an alternative set of definitions:
"Drag hunt: a moving trail of scent for the hounds to follow, usually laid by someone on horse back or quad bike"
"Trail hunt: a pre laid trail for the hounds to follow"
And the CA has this definition:
"Trail hunting is the hunting of a scent laid by man in such a way best to simulate traditional hunting activity.
The term drag hunting is to remain the property of the Masters of Drag and Bloodhounds Association. Our activities should not be confused with theirs. Hunts should liaise with their local drag hunt and not try to rival it."
Other than the fact that it has allowed hunts to use the same hounds as pre-ban instead of euthanizing them and starting over with pups trained to follow an artificial scent (no small thing), why is it preferable?
Sure if the people in control of the hounds don't know where the trail has been laid then they have no idea if it's the laid trail or a real one that they are following
Please don't tar all drag hunts with the same brush, the same as you shouldn't judge all foxhound packs on one outing with one pack. The country and the style of the huntsman plays a big part.
Yes ok but my point was that i don't know how you can judge unless you have actually been out with the pack.
Also don't see why there has to be a divide, surely at the end of the day, for staff at least if no-one else, it is all about hounds, be they fox, drag, blood, harrier or beagle.