Dreaming about horses you have lost?


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1 June 2007
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Minto was pts 2 years ago after an injury. Sultan was pts 2 years before that due to old age, he was 38! They were pair bonds and inseparable. The only comfort I got when loosing minto was that they were back together (and buiried together). Anyway I have found it very hard. I regularly have bad dreams and wake up crying.
However last night was different. I dreamt about them both. Only they were alive again. They had been dead but were alive. Sultan was young and looked amazing. Minto was not injured and also looked great. Both of them were happy. I woke up happy. I think they were visiting me to tell me they were ok and not to be upset.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2011
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I still have dreams were my old boy is alive again, i know he isn't but I'm so happy to see him. He is back to his usual grumpy self, but I always wake up sad as it makes it realise how much I miss him. He died 4 years from heart failure after having colic, it was so sudden that I didn't get to say goodbye and that still makes me feel guilty now.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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Yes, I dreamt about my last mare about six months after I'd lost her with laminitis. In the dream she came to me and we went for a lovely canter, I then got off her, hugged her and she disappeared. I woke up crying but after that I started to feel less guilty for losing her.

I also felt my last dog get on the bed and curl up with me after she'd been put to sleep xxxx


Well-Known Member
1 June 2007
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Sultan stayed for a while. The first time I took minto for a hack after we lost him, I got back and I saw his head over his stable door. Definitely felt his presence for a good while.

Normally I have bad dreams about them. Usually that I am having to fight for their stables as being used by other horses. I then get the horrible realisation that they are dead and they don't need them anymore. I then wake up crying and upset.

But this dream was different. I knew they were dead but that they were alive again and just a general feeling that they were happy. I really hope/think they were visiting to say things would be ok.

I just wait for soli to visit now!


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27 September 2016
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It's been nearly two months since I lost my boy and I dream about him a lot. The day after he got pts, I had a dream that I was stood with him again. He wasn't completely there and was somewhat seethrough, spirit-like, I couldn't touch him but he came over to me and I told him I loved him and missed him. Since then, I have the same dreams where I am stood at the top of the field looking down and he's there, I know he's gone and I can't believe my eyes, I can't move because I'm in shock, I just stand and watch him. Then someone in the dream speaks to me and when I look back, he's gone. God, I miss him so much. Crying now! I still can't look at pictures of him, makes me feel sick with heartbreak. Sending my love to all those that have loved and lost. X


16 July 2014
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I jumped when I read this thread - my old horse was called Sultan too. I had to have him PTS in the September. In Jan the following year, he came to me in a dream, he was in a field that I had years previously rented to rest the fields he was normally on, in the background was his last field mate, both looked very healthy and happy, his mate was grazing behind him, Sultan was standing looking at me. I decided to contact his mate's owner to see how he was getting on. I had not seen or spoken to her since Sultan was PTS, she text back to let me know that his mate had been PTS in the December, and that she found great comfort in him having come to me in the dream, we both felt that they were letting us know they had found each other and were OK. Sultan has come to me periodically to let me know he is OK, he has also let me know it's OK to move on. These "dreams" have a different quality to normal dreaming. Some of my cats have come back too.

Anyone else have these dreams, personally I find it fascinating and very comforting.


Well-Known Member
3 October 2012
Behind you
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Dreams are there way of coming to visit you. No matter how bad or upsetting the dream just remember they came and said hello and love and cherish it and smile when you wake up :)


Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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When I was 20, I had to have a very special pony put to sleep. She was my showjumping pony who took me all over the place, we won everything and I can honestly say she was my soul mate.

I struggled massively, inwardly, after we lost her. I didn't tell anyone, but I got very depressed and used to sob in my other horses stable because I missed her so much.

I'm not sure when, but it was that year (she was put down in the July), but a few months later I had a dream where we spent a day together and it was perfect, but everytime night time came, the next day wouldn't happen and we were just repeating the same day over and over. We couldn't go any further.

I woke up and realised that the time had come for me to move on. I don't believe that it was her visiting me (I don't believe in that sort of stuff), but I believe my brain did something to help me get through it, or make me make peace with it.

After that, I approached it totally differently and I did indeed, start to move on.

The human mind fascinates me sometimes.


Well-Known Member
1 September 2014
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I regularly dream of my first pony Moon and that she's back with me even though she was PTS in 2006 age 25. (I'd had her since she was a 2yo. I also dream about my 3rd horse Ronan who I bought in 2001 and placed on loan in 2006 and was PTS in 2013 age 20.

Oddly, I never dream of my 2nd horse Kaz, who I had for two years and had to be PTS at the age of 9 due to complications from an old injury.