Dress code out hunting


Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
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Is it acceptable to wear gaiters and short boots instead of long boots? My long leather boots are too tight on me. Also I need to get a jacket as my black jacket also doesnt fit. Can I wear a black/blue jacket or does it have to be a tweed one? Im also debating whether to wear my bodyprotector but I cant really move in them. I fear I may fall off.



Well-Known Member
4 January 2008
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Is it acceptable to wear gaiters and short boots instead of long boots? My long leather boots are too tight on me. - I wear boots and gaiters in autumn and long boots in winter, lots of other people wear gaiters as well so as long as they are clean then yes!

Also I need to get a jacket as my black jacket also doesnt fit. Can I wear a black/blue jacket or does it have to be a tweed one? - Women can wear blue or black, men wear black, and anyone can wear tweed. Both are correct when hunting but you should normally only wear blue/ black when hunting after the opening meet. Tweed is correct for Autumn hunting, but you can really wear it all year, especially if you arent going to subscribe. There is a real mix when hunting, with people wearing both tweed and blue/black.

Im also debating whether to wear my bodyprotector but I cant really move in them. I fear I may fall off. - I wear mine when I know there will be lots of jumping. Im 24 and no one minds!

As long as you look smart and are warm and comfortable then you will be fine!

Have fun!


Well-Known Member
29 February 2004
Thanks J17bow - now its getting nearer Im getting nervous. I hope I survive.

You will be fine and dandy. I had my first days out hunting mounted 2 seasons ago and everyone looked after me and made sure I came back in one piece. If you aren't going with friends then you can ask the hunt secretary if they can recommend a babysitter for the day.

Have a great time and don't forget to let us know how you got on.


Well-Known Member
4 January 2008
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No worries! Once you have moved off from the meet in one piece you will start to relax - its the best thing ever!


ps - who are you going out with?


Well-Known Member
11 May 2009
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It's fine to wear Ratcatcher (tweed) at this time of year as long as you wear a coloured stock/tie and beige or cream jods. After the Opening Meet you should try and wear a blue or black jacket if possible with a white stock.

As long as you keep your boots and gaiters clean and smart then they will be fine.

To be honest as long as you and your horse are as smart as possible then nobody will mind what you are wearing - just go and enjoy yourself, it's great fun :D