I had one pts sleep who was by krijinsky,off nijinsky now you would think dressage never but he was fab at dressage he had so much natural ability am now looking for a new horse and my pref is one off them lines,
No judge will dock you marks for a ready tied stock - unless they're particularly nasty. A well done self-tied just looks so much more professional and smart, not to mention supportive.
I have an off white/cream silk one, a kind of 'champagne' colour which I think looks neat. I have a green check one which I wear with tweed too, and have worn for unaff dressage.
you dont have to wear a stock, ties are perfectly acceptable even at affliated.
I used to compete in a tweed jacket and tie when i first started out affliated, but my jacket was really hot so i had to buy a lighter navy one. I then brought a white silk stock to go with it.
White self tie stocks made of a thick cotton look the best and give the best finish when tied. I find that cream or off white looks better with black jackets white looks a bit harsh. With tweed you should wear a coloured stock or tie not white or cream. Really tweed is rarely seen at affiliated competitions above novice although it is permited up to advanced medium.
Whatever stock you try go for a material that has some ridgidity, the slippery flimsy materials are difficult to tie and crumple. Good quality silk stocks are loveily as they are lined. I do wash mine by hand[they say dry-clean only] but if you spray with spray starch they come up great
Hope that givesyou some ideas.
They all come with easy step by step instructions with how to tie them- its easy once you have done it a few times. The ready tied ones are no where near as smart and you can spot them a mile off.