Well-Known Member
Dolly has always had milk in the 3 years we've known / owned her, but the other day it was literally dripping out of her! We know she's had at least one foal before (well, vet and judges reckon so by looking at her lady bits!
), but why has she never dried up?
A stallion escaped one night a year ago and we found them grazing together the next morning,
but pregnancy test and internal exam were both negative (vet also checked ovaries for tumour, but found nothing). She also went on a 3 week course of regumate, which sorted out her mood, but not the milk.
Does anyone have any ideas? Is there anything to worry about?
Thanks in advance!
Lou. x
A stallion escaped one night a year ago and we found them grazing together the next morning,
Does anyone have any ideas? Is there anything to worry about?
Thanks in advance!
Lou. x