
Well-Known Member
25 January 2006
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Have any of you guys out there had a near miss or been hit by a car? this is what has happened to me and my horse and cannot belive the police are going to do adsolutely nothing !

On Thursday 10th Aug at 7.45 pm I was riding along a narrow country lane in Wellington Somerset. There are however several passing points along the lane which we all use to pass traffic safely.
As I approached a narrow part of the lane I saw a silver 4 X 4 come around the corner and start to approach me from the opposite direction.
A few yards along this particular stretch there is a passing point which is visible from both directions. To my horror the 4 X 4 driver drove past the passing point, I knew that he had seen me, I had a fluorescent bib on as always and he started waving his arms at me signalling for me to get out of his way.
As he approached me I knew that there was not enough room for the 4 X 4 and my horse he was still waving at me to get out of the way, but there was no where for me to go. The 4 X 4 continued to drive towards me so I stopped my horse and pushed her over as far into the hedge as possible there was not enough time for me to do anything else.
As the 4 X 4 attempted to pass me I looked at the driver and shouted ‘stop’ the vehicle hit the front of my horse, at this point she instinctly spun to the left away from the vehicle ending up facing the way in which we had just come. To my astonishment the driver continued to drive forward hitting her back legs, my horse then instinctly kicked out at the car damaging the bumper, she then galloped up the road with me, closely followed by the car.
Once I had managed to stop by my horse the driver of the Silver 4X4 parked opposite me and got out of the vehicle he then started shouting about how his car had been damaged. I tried to explain that this was in no way any fault of mine or my horse as he had literally driven straight at me, to which the driver replied was a load of rubbish. The driver of the 4x4 was extremely intimidating and kept walking towards my horse still shouting at me , my horse was shocked by what had just happened, and kept backing away from him.
The driver of the vehicle then walked off down the road to collect the parts of his car that lay in the road, this was obviously more important than the welfare of me and my horse, who incidentally had obvious cuts to her back legs and was bleeding.
Once he had managed to pick up the pieces of his vehicle he came back over to me and continued to shout . This upset both myself and my horse even more. He kept asking for my address and name, I told him my name and that I lived in just up the next road and assumed he would give me his details in return but he did not. I could not see the registration number of his car as it was parked side on to where I was.
My main concern was to try and keep my horse as calm as possible, I knew that I should not dismount in case my horse got away from me. I knew that there was nothing I could do for her legs until I got her home.
After a few moments another car came around the corner from the opposite direction, the driver of the 4 X 4 put his hand up to the driver of the other car and got back into his vehicle to move it out of the way, so I thought.
To my amazement he then just drove off, leaving me to cope with my horse and her injuries alone on a country lane. In disbelief I proceeded in walk, home, luckily I did not meet any more vehicles that evening.

Upon arriving home I was met by my by my husband who could see that I was upset. After explaining what had happened he went to call the police whilst I bathed and dressed my horses cut legs. At that time my horse had calmed down and luckily her injuries looked superficial and she was not lame. I decided to turn her out in the field with her companions so that her legs would not swell or stiffen up.

The police took all of the details but as we did not have the vehicle drivers name we were unable to pursue it. I decided to contact the local paper to try and trace the driver and even waited at the scene of the accident for a few evenings afterwards at the same time of the incident in case it was a regular route the drive took. Unfortunately I could not trace him
kicking the car and that the lump may never go down. I compete regularly on my horse at unaffiliated dressage, SJ, XC and showing, although this lump is not affecting her movement at present it does affect her overall confirmation for showing and may cause problems in the future.

I am a competent and experienced horse rider, I have taken and passed my road safety test and would never take an unsuitable horse out on to the public highway.
Before the accident my horses was always well behaved and good in traffic alone and in the company of other horses. Previously living in Bristol had meant that this was really important as the roads were a lot busier than in Wellington. Unfortunately my horse is now petrified of all moving vehicles and hacking out is no longer an option.

A few weeks later a letter arrived from the solicitor of the driver of the car trying to claim £40 for the damage to his car.

I contacted the police again and they came and took all of the details, and admitted that he had committed an offence by not reporting the accident with in 24 hours dispite this they are not going to take any action against this driver. I find this very disappointing and extremely worrying as maybe the next horse and rider he comes across on the road will not be so lucky !


Well-Known Member
27 September 2006
Oh god that sounds absolutly terrifying, you must have been devastated and your poor horse!

I cant believe he just drove straight at you, for heavens sake what kind of idiot was he???

Unfortunatly, ive heard similar stories about incidents between cars and horses where the poor riders have been in too much of a state to take details and the cars have left the scene.

This is completly the reason I dont ride out anymore
I trust my horse 100% but I dont trust other road users.

I really hope you and your horse recover after what must have been a horrific event
Really feel sorry for you both


Well-Known Member
25 March 2006
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that is diabolical - he could have killed you!! or your horse!!

i would call the local papers or even the nationals. I assume you now have the mans name and address from the soliciters letter? I would make a counter claim against him. Involve your insurance company. He should not be allowed to get away with this. Apart from the injuries your horse sustained he has devalued her because of the lump and her inability to hack out on roads, he has seriously compromised your ability to enjoy horse ownership because you can no longer hack. I would be seeing my own soliciter at the very least. and definately speaking to the papers.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2006
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Thanks, it was awful. Some really nice girls from up the road have come down and escorted me out a few times since the accident, poor Libby was so scared she wasnt sure which way to turn when a car approached her, she was like a frightened Rabbit, she was so good on the roads before this I am so angry.
I cannot see myself ever riding out alone again, the thought of it just makes me feel sick and I cant bare the thought of putting me or her in that sort of danger ever again.

Luckily I have had an arena put in this summer so at least I can still ride.
Not the same as a really nice hack out though !!

My insurance company have been a great support and are still going ahead with a claim against him.

People like that should have their licence taken away !


Well-Known Member
16 November 2005
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I really feel for you, I would have been terrified - if he wants legal money off you I think you should be making a counterclaim for damage to your horse and for your own loss of confidence??? Sadly we live in a suing culture but if he wants to do this you need to retaliate.

PS Sort of similar thing happened last night, my son was practising his basket ball skills on our front yard - the ball bounced out in front of a car, bounced heavily onto his windscreen and then off - the car accelerated and drove off at speed - did they think they had hit a person and were driving away??? Son was mystified as he was expecting him to stop and scream at him


Well-Known Member
16 December 2004
East Yorkshire
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I agree and it is illegal to leave the scene of an accident OH is a police officer but im not sure if that is just vehicle related.

Im sure my Oh would be persuing it for you, because its close to his heart me being a horse owner and rider myself!

Some police forces are more proactive than others, did i really say that

Maybe its the lack of witnesses thats the reason they arent persuing it, as to whos at fault it would be your word against his!

Its totally wrong and something should be done but thats the way the law works.

If i had a pound for the amount of time my OH has come home furious because justice isnt being done or things arent being persued, going to court i would be a rich woman!!


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
I agree, you should raise a claim against him - definately, I really feel for you, its these idiots and thoughtless a***holes that can ruin a very enjoyable sport/relaxation/fun for us. Let alone terrifying you and your horse - I still cannot believe that he just drove at you waving his arms - what sort of speed was he going? irrelevant I know, but I still can't believe it, it really scares me now just thinking bout hacking out!!!! Write to all your local papers telling them all what he's done, I would think they'll be really interested!

Try and persevere with the road work, take some friends with you and try and build both your's and your horses courage up again, don't let him ruin things for you - there also some v careful/caring drivers out there to!

Let us know if anything further happens...
Take care


Well-Known Member
25 January 2006
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Yes, you are right defo going to involve the paper again, I put an article in after it had first happened to try and trace the drive. Now I have his details I would love to name and shame him, do you think they would do that ???


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
Kent/Surrey Border
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I agree, make a counter claim!!! This is awful - you could have been seriously hurt!

My mum was out riding one afternoon in September years ago now, when a car hit my horse up the bum (basically didn't stop), making him rear up and over backwards crushing my mum between the horse and the car bonnet.

It was horrific! Mum nearly died 4 times and had to be air lifted to the heart and lung hospital in London. She has lost her spleen, part of her bowel, ruptured her diaphram, broke every rib, broke her jaw and has numerous ops since. The worst part was that when people arrived (a friend driving up the road and 2 off duty firemen) the b4st4rd was actually trying to puch his car up the road to get away!

What happened to the driver? Nothing! He in fact tried to sure my Mum for the damage to his car! Luckily he didn't win but no justise was done.

It beggars beleif that these people get away with it!

I was reading an article in this weeks H&H and apparently a law was brought in in 1971 making owners of animals (be it farm animals or horses) liable in accidents, regardless really of what went on. They are currently looking to change this law - can't come too soon in my opinion!


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
Kent - Garden of England
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Sorry this happened to you Samlib, you have everybody's sympathy here. I am a member of a local toll-ride scheme in my area but still have to hack for 2 miles along a 'quiet' country road which people use as a rat-run. It seems these days that hacking safely along country lanes is becoming a distant romantic memory!

Hope you both recover soon and can enjoy riding again.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2005
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Oh my god, that is unbelievable! I am glad to hear that you are your horse are at least safe. What an incredibly awful thing for a driver to do and how frustrating for you to not see this man punished.

I had an incident with a friend last year. My friend has a young horse and we were hacking out on fairly quiet roads, but large enough for two lanes. I was riding on the outside as friend's horse was still young and a little nervy. We were wearing our tabards (Please pass wide and slow) and numerous other flourescent things! A car (flashy mini cooper S) came up behind us and there was another coming in the other direction, I stayed on the outside because of friend's young horse. The car had to wait for the other to pass from the other direction and he got very annoyed! He started revving his engine and driving right up to the back of the horses. Thank fully Louis is a saint on the road and stayed calm but got a little tense. Young horse behaved well too but started jogging and stressing. Even once the other car had passed he started beeping at us! He then drove next to us and started revving his engine and beeping at the same time so the horses started jogging. He wound down his window and started shouting obscenities at us! I answered calmly that we had a young horse and therefore we had every right to ride side by side e.g. read your highway code! He then zoomed off and we managed to calm horses down...although a little shaken oursleves! Just when we thought it was over he had driven around the block and found us again! He got right up close to the horses back legs and beeped and revved for about 2-3 mins until the youngster spun and jumped...he then drove off laughing!

What a sicko! Like you I didn't get his registration because I was more concerned about the horses. I wish I had called the police though!

We have both since moved yards where there is plenty of off-road hacking!


Well-Known Member
16 November 2005
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He's 18 so I would have clocked him one if he'd run out in the road

I would happily pay a 'road tax' if it means that I have the same rights as a car on the road - I pay more for horse insurance than I do for car insurance - yet cannot claim against a motorist and seem to have no rights on the road??


Well-Known Member
25 March 2006
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probably not a good idea to name and shame if you are going to persue a claim against him but lack of police action is always a good angle - sorry maimi-bear. It might shame the police into taking it more seriously. It's down to the papers editor whether they print his name any way I think.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2006
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I think he was doing about 15 - 20 mph hard to tell really, it was obvious that there was no way enough room for both of us, he just kept driving.
His story is that for one I should not have been riding down a narrow road and two he stopped and my horse then turned around and kicked his if !!!!

Im fairly new to the area and keep my horse at home so hacking out in company is really difficult, thinking about joining the local riding club may be can meet a few people who live close by that way.

Any one living in the Wellington Somerset area, your help would be really appreciated



Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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OMG i am lost for words and fuming for you

What a complete w*nker!!!!

Definatly do whatever it takes to name and shame and get every penny out of him that you can.

Say next time he hits a child or like you say whoever it is comes worse off, will the police not persue it then??

I cant believe they wont persue it but they will persue a case of an 11yo child nicking some penny sweet that total to £2 from a shop (my mum works for Kent poilce)!! How bad is that!!


Well-Known Member
25 January 2006
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Thats terrible hope your mum is now ok.

I cant belive how many accidents involving cars and horses take place and yet nothing is ever done !

Thank you to all of you for your support and advice I will keep you all updated.

Hopefully my insurance company will come up trumps.

If any of you experience anything like this please log on to the BHS web site, they are making a record of all accidents involving horses and cars, maybe it will help others in the future, something needs to be changed.


Well-Known Member
4 January 2006
North Yorkshire
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We had an incident out hacking a few weeks ago.

Riding with my friend in single file, Lexi and I at the back with all fluorescent gear on.

A car came over the hill behind us VERY fast (in a 30mph zone incidentally), it moved to overtake us but realised there was another car coming towards us so had to slam his breaks on.

I saw him coming and (fortunately) reacted by kicking Lexi into a canter down the road (I have no doubt he would have hit us otherwise). My friend is an experienced rider and her horse reacted with Lexi so we both shot forward.

Driver skidded sideways up behind us, mounted the verge and then spun and stopped right behind us. Oncoming car had to swerve to avoid him.

3 or 4 witnesses in other cars but none of them stopped. Offending idiot turned himself back round and drove off.

We took his number and reported the whole incident to the police. They they were aware of that section of road as a black spot (brilliant), they would check his registration against their database and then pass the details onto a beat officer to decide whether to follow up. I have heard nothing since.

Horrid really - we were feet away from being hit. My friend's little 7 year old girl rides up there on her pony. Doesn't bear thinking about!!

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
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so in fact your subject title should have read DRIVER !! NO POLICE ACTION BECAUSE OF LACK OF EVIDENCE !!

Look, I am not doubting you or your version of events, but to have a pop at the Police who HAVE to work with the rules of evidence is inflammatory, sensationalist and downright unhelpful. How many other people will not bother to report a similar incident having read your posting, they might believe (wrongly) that the Police are not interested.

Some good things have come out of this, the advice to notify the BHS of every incident is very relevant, and they have a form on their website to complete.

I do hope there is a resolution to this in the civil courts for you, you should also ensure that your local county highways people have it recorded, it could evidence towards getting escorted horses and ponies signs put up to protect riders in the future.

Before you post...take a deep breath


Well-Known Member
25 January 2006
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From your post I take it that you work for the police???????

I am sure you can understand my frustration, the fact that the driver has failed to report the incident to the police is surely enough for them to take some sort of action.

The Police themselves have said that as the car driver it was his responsibilty to report it, as I did the minute I got home. Also the fact that he drove off leaving me in the middle of nowhere with a bleeding frightened horse. What sort of person would do that.

Why is it that no action can be taken ????

I urge everyone who encounters something like this to report it to the police and use the BHS website form as I have done.

I am very suprised that my local police station have not advised me to report this to the highways people, especially if it would help towards getting signs put up.

I strongly belive that this driver could very easily kill someone next time, his actions were unbelieveable and dam right terrifying


Well-Known Member
29 June 2006
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a similar thing happened to me last year. i was actually IN the passing place on my bosses 16.2hh ID and the car came hurtling towards us it ran over something loud, a bottle or a stick or something and she tried to spin and run. unfortunately she swung round just as the car was next to us and left a nice big bum print in the drivers door and bits of wing mirror all over the road!! the driver instantly placed blame on me shouting the usual if you cant control it you shouldnt be on the roads etc etc etc, but his wife jumped out of the car (i was on the ground by this point) with a piece of paper with all their details on and a note admitting responsibility for the accident!! told her husband to "pipe down" and of they went. Luckily the mare was ok physically but mentally is still a bit wary in oncoming traffic.

That must have been absolutely horrific though! The way you have been treated is disgusting. Keep pushing forwards though-idiots like this NEED to be stopped!!

I drafted a letter to DVLA last night cuz i am getting really wound up by these to**ers and there needs to be some kind of harsh publicity shown like with the motorcyclists and pedestrians.


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
Kent/Surrey Border
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so in fact your subject title should have read DRIVER !! NO POLICE ACTION BECAUSE OF LACK OF EVIDENCE !!

Look, I am not doubting you or your version of events, but to have a pop at the Police who HAVE to work with the rules of evidence is inflammatory, sensationalist and downright unhelpful. How many other people will not bother to report a similar incident having read your posting, they might believe (wrongly) that the Police are not interested.

Some good things have come out of this, the advice to notify the BHS of every incident is very relevant, and they have a form on their website to complete.

I do hope there is a resolution to this in the civil courts for you, you should also ensure that your local county highways people have it recorded, it could evidence towards getting escorted horses and ponies signs put up to protect riders in the future.

Before you post...take a deep breath

[/ QUOTE ]

Personally I find your post a little unhelpful and inflammatory itself!

I have 3 very good friends who are Police Officers and one who is married to a seargent and they all admit that quite often a poor job is done due to lack or resources, training and support for the PC's - but that is not an excuse!!!

My mum's case came to nothing due to lack of evidence BUT the lack of evidence was due to Police incompetancy and nothing else! They did not measure the skid marks in the road or talk to half of the witnesses - in fact I think they talked to 1 only and that was the driver!

Lack of evidence is not an excuse for not following up in this case or any - what on earth do we pay taxes for - the very least they could do was have a chat with the driver and remind him of the highway code, being curteous to other users and dangerous driving!!! The fact they did nothing im my opinion is unforgiveable

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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Pasha, not aware of any of the circumstances of your Mum's incident so can't comment on that one.

My point, as badly made as you might consider it to be, is that that what might appear to be a flagrant breach of legislation to you still has to be proved in a court beyond all reasonable doubt and the prosecution itself must be in the public interest.

There may well be investigative failings, training needs and a lack of understanding of equestrian matters and sometimes in the heat of the moment witnesses might be quite emotional and unclear about the facts of what they have seen or heard.

That doesn't take away from the fact that there are prosecutions (you never hear about the good stuff) and nobody should be put off reporting things because there is a perception that the Police are not interested.


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
Kent/Surrey Border
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Regardless of whether or not they had enough evidence for a prosecution - they rarely do - they can at least caution or speak to the offender and remind them of the highway code! That is my point