Driving bits


Well-Known Member
1 May 2010
Rothbury Northumberland
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Just cleaning my harness and it has set me thinking.
My lad is ride and drive, a snaffle mouth when ridden but has a driving bit on his driving bridle, I think it's a liverpool bit?, serrated on one side, my questions are,
why would you use this type of bit and when would you use the serrated side?
Do people drive using a snaffle, or is there a reason why not?
The harness came with my lad and I am looking to do more driving with him.
Thanks for any advice


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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If you put the serrated towards the tongue it makes the bit more severe.
I have driven in snaffles and quite often school in them driven but prefer a Liverpool for driving out just because I am confident I can stop in a hurry when you attach the rien to the big ring it has a mild curb action.with the rien in the bottom slot it's a severe bit.
I also drove one in a Wilson snaffle which has two rings on each side the inside one round the mouthpiece which attaches to the bridle it acts a bit like a cheeked snaffle.he liked that and was easy in it he disliked the poll pressure from curb bit.
I hope you enjoy driving when you have a go it's great fun.


Well-Known Member
2 April 2001
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Yes some people do use snaffles for driving, would totally depend on the horse.
I think the serated side is a bit stronger but i also use the different heights of slots on the liverpool. Mine is especially short, a friend shortened it.
I mostly use a butterfly driving bit, boy is just a pony and so the bit isn't too big looking


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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I used to school (in the saddle) some driving ponies. All were ridden in snaffles but driven in liverpool bits. As said the serated edge is harsher. Reins went on different slots for different ponies & different activities. My experience is limited to those ponies only, but owner said all but one hacked fine in a snaffle, but easier to leave bit in & swop reins about. And in the case of the two youngsters, the more they were driven in them the better as they wore them to compete.