Dropped sole.


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19 August 2020
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After a laminitis flare up that the vet said we caught very early. 2wks box rest, Bute and to get him out working slowly and building it up but to get him moving as soon as sound. She thought he would likely be ready for that after the box rest. But obviously couldn't guarantee. Anyway I was feeling really positive after the vet visit as really helped calm me down. Pony has been looking perkier. Then my farrier came and said he has dropped soles in the front 10days after we saw the vet. Any thoughts on how bad they look and any similar cases and outcomes. X-rays next week.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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Don’t take the horse off acute laminitis care until the vet has reassessed and done X-rays - I’m sure you won’t but with dropped soles a whole load of damage could be done if you start walking the horse.
Good luck, laminitis is a horrid disease