Hi all could anyone tell me why my 4 yr old is dropping his food, he's had his teeth done a month ago but still drops food. He also kicks over his bucket with feed in it
Sore teeth is the only thing I can think of as to why he might drop food ('quidding' I believe is the term!) I know you had his teeth done recently, but like farriers and saddle fitters, some dentists/vets are not very good at their job!
As to why he kicks his bucket over, you'll have to ask him! I ask mine every night, 'WHY have you kicked your bucket over and deposited all your food in your bed?! Aaaagh!'
Have tried putting bucket in tyre, but he just puts his feet in the bucket and paws it out. Also tried hanging bucket over door, but he pulls it off.
Given up now, and let him pick it out of his bedding. At least it keeps him occupied.
did he drop food before his teeth were done? In which case it might have become a bit of a habit. Otherwise it is possible some sharp edges have been left and they might need checking again. Is it just dropped without being chewed, or does it drop out in lumps of semi-chewed material (quidding)?
Might he be teething?
As for knocking his actual feed bowl over, some horses will feel vulnerable if they can't see over the rim of the bucket, you never know what predators will creep up on them while they're eating!
I believe horses don't get a full set of permanent teeth until they are 4 1/2 to 5, so until that point yes they do teeth.
Is your horse suffering any detriment caused by the dropping of food, is he still well covered.
Also like someone else said some dentists are better than others, did this dentist come with recommendations?
If your horse is not quidding and just dropping food and then foraging for it I probably would not be too worried, if he is not keeping weight on then I would be a little concerned.
A horse up my yard does this and I think it because his owner is feeding straight mix with no chaff or anything in it. He creates a right fuss when eating kicking the bucket and nudging it with his nose and too me it looks like he is trying to put too much in his mouth and drops a load on the floor. He's basically eating too quickly. (I mentioned this to his owner and she said if she adds chaff to his feed it takes him too long to eat and she deosn't have time!
Don't know if this helps. He could just be tetthing as someone else said. Who did his teeth? Was it a dentist or a vet? May be worth getting a second opinion if you're worried about it?
the mare I have staying with me does this... knocks the bucket over, spreads the food everywhere then hoovers it all up... bucket is then thrown overdoor or just across field out of her way...
we think she figured out that when getting fed in the field the others might come up and try to push her off her bucket so she tips the feed out and throws the bucket away so they go to it and leave her alone - clever lass!
My horse used to kick his bucket all over the place and waste a lot of food spiling it in his bed - i got one of those triangle shaped buckets/mangers you attach to the wall. Doesn't spill a drop now!
I read quite an interesting article in H&R (I think?!) that horses who paw at the ground/bucket while eating or tip it over with their nose do so out of frustration because they prefer to be able to forage for their food over a larger area rather than have it served on a plate (so to speak). My horse always waves a front leg in the air whilst eating from a bucket, but doesn't if I tip it on the floor which he then hoovers up quite happily...
my horse drops his food but thats because he was kick in the mouth by his mum when he was little and doesn't have much control over his bottom lip. he also likes to kick and trow his bucket around and put his food all through his bed.