E petition response.


Well-Known Member
12 November 2004
In the land of nod where it's safest!
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A poor and weak response from a government that has the same characteristics.

They couldn't be more wrong I believe. Happy Hunting and long may it continue.

The following is copied from the government site for e petitions:
Huntingactrepeal - epetition reply5 December 2007

We received a petition asking:

"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to repeal the Hunting Act 2004."

Details of Petition:

"Petitioners know that The Hunting Act 2004: has done nothing for animal welfare; threatens livelihoods in the longer term; ignores the findings of Lord Burn's Enquiry; gives succour to animal rights extremists; is based on political expedience following the Prime Minister's unconsidered response on the television programme Question Time in 1999; is framed to persecute a large minority who support a traditional activity; does not command popular support in the country except amongst the uninformed and mal-advised."

Read the petition
Petitions home page
Read the Government's responseThe UK Government is satisfied with the effectiveness of the Hunting Act 2004, which bans all hunting of wild mammals with dogs, apart from the tightly-drawn exemptions set out in the Act. These exemptions are recognised as effective ways of dealing with specific pest control issues.

The purpose of the Act, which the House of Commons passed by an overwhelming majority, is to end a practice that a clear majority of people across the country oppose on the grounds that it causes unnecessary suffering.

The Hunting Act does not prevent hunts from meeting up or riding with their hounds, nor does it preclude legitimate and humane pest control activities. Since the ban came into effect, evidence has shown that the majority of hunts have continued to meet and ride within the law. The Government welcomes this, as it has meant that the economic, social and welfare problems predicted by opponents of the Act have not materialised.

The Government has no plans to repeal the Act.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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Good timing, you recieved your responces on the same day Anti's recieved the responce to a petition that ended in the same words.

"The Government has no plans to repeal the Act"


Well-Known Member
3 November 2007
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"I got this email and added them to my blocked senders list!"

My goodness! I bet they're shivering in their bunkers!


Well-Known Member
9 February 2007
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I got the same email too -and like with the response to the horse slaughter appeal - I was disappointed ( but not surprised) by the government's response.
When the hunting ban was first being discussed I ceased to vote for labour. As a former countryside alliance member I felt it was hypocritical for me to support an 'URBAN thinking' government.
I still have the same view of the labour government and at the time I followed the debate and parliamentary process with interest. So much so that I did consider writing my thesis/feature story about it when at uni.
I chose not to in the end as there was at least one anti hunting member of staff on my course and after the reception I received at one seminar by that individual and several of the 'anti hunt' students I did not feel my work would have been marked unbiasedly so I changed my mind.
Despite the hackling I received from a proportion of today's youth I did not back down and never will.
I won't give up the fight - even though I don't actively hunt myself- because I believe it is a fairer method of fox and other pest control than by snaring, gassing, shooting and poisoning.
Maybe one day we will have a government that will listen more to the needs of the countryside.
I live in hope......