Well-Known Member
Horse went down with EAM - at vets and not sure if they'll pull through. This horse was out 24/7 on separate grazing to mine, who comes in at night. What would you do? My first instinct is to leave!
Get yours off the grazing asap- keep in the stable 24/7 if thats the only option.
Their grazing was about 5 horses in a half acre paddock - so very muddy and poached and right at the bottom of a hill. No grass to speak of and not poo picked.
Galaxymiseltoe - I might be wrong (quite ofte am) but I think the blood tests won't show anything until a horse has started with EAM. And then quite often by the time bloods are done it can be too late, as EAM progresses so quickly. A friend of mine had her horse start EAM and he was unfortunately dead within 24 hrs. On her yard there are 20+ horses, 2 unfortunately died of EAM - all the others were on similar grazing, and did not contract EAM.
I absolutely agree however, that the earlier it is caught, and the sooner the horse can be got on a drip, the more likely it is to survive. Some horses have been reported to have been found dead in the field, with no prior symptoms though. Time is everything with this horrid thing, as it just happens so quickly.
Horse can have EAM and not display symptoms to begin with. Horses have tested positive and shown no signs. These are the horses that are being saved. So if it was on the yard I would want to know NOW, before sypmtoms started if my horse may have it.