Hi, I don't post much in here but am so excited!! My new horse arrives in the morning. He will be the first one I have owned outright and not loaned or shared!! I cannot wait! X
May you have many happy years together, and your future be bright and happy.
I have some tips for you - I hope you won't take offence, I have owned six of my own now and know the routine!
Tip - did you remember to find out what he had been fed so that you could buy some of the same in to start with before changing over?
Tip - if he is a WB (especially if imported) be very careful how long you turn him out for on the spring grass to start with. In our region its meant to rain today so its possible there could be a small flush of grass.
Tip - is he covered on insurance from the day you pick him up? We used to insure the horse from midnight the day before collection and we used to collect/arrange delivery as soon after passing the vetting as possible.
Good luck best wishes xxx
Good tips, but she'll have had the horse for almost a month now so hoping all is ok and we get an update soon...with pics
Arrgggh - there is a tip - always check the date of an OP!
Hello. Thanku for the tips. Yes I did find out what he was fed on etc when he came. It has been nearly a month and I am more in love with him everyday. He has the sweetest temperement and is so loving. He is a Fresian cross and only young so we have just been doing groundwork but he is a quick learner.
However, we did have a scary day today!! The horses have been kept in due to feeds bring fertilised and so I went to turn him out in the school while I kicked out with another pony he has been out in the school with before. Other pony came charging at him and scared the hell out of him at the gate. I still had hold of lead rope and it all happened so quick. He jumped the gate from standing but caught his back foot, lifted gate off its hinges and the gate swiped my legs out from under me!! Luckily we are both ok but my only concern was is my horse ok!! x
Haha, yes one of the people on my yard saw it happen and said at least you know he has a good jump! Had to go give him lots of cuddles afterwards. X
^^^reported as spam^^^
Oh thanks for clearing that up was thinking no-one could make that story up lol!No I am real. There was another post put on this thread that was spam but has been deleted now x